The Gazette 1918-19
DECEMBER, 1918.]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
MR. JOHN J. HANRATTY, Solicitor, died upon the 9th November, 1918, at Dublin Road, Newry. Mr. Hanratty served his apprenticeship with his brother, Mr. Simon E. Hanratty, Newry ; was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1915, and practised at Newry. Roll of Honour. LIEUT. Louis BARRON, Border Regiment, was killed in action in July, 1916, at the Somme. Lieutenant Barren served his apprentice ship with Mr. H. C. Geoghegan, 122 Stephen's Green, Dublin, and Mr. John A. Carlyle, 2 Molesworth Street, Dublin ; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1910, and practised at 33 Wicklow Street, Dublin. Commissioners to Administer Oaths. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following to be Commissioners to administer Oaths :— John F. Smyth, Solicitor, Castleblayney. George Berrill, Law Clerk, Drogheda. Philip Brady, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Bailieborough. Patrick J. Brannigan, Law Clerk, Drogheda. Demobilisation. Solicitors Serving in His Majesty's Forces. THE Council have been in communication with the Ministry of Labour (Appointments Department) in reference to release from duty of Irish Solicitors at present serving in His Majesty's Forces, who may for urgent reasons desire immediate discharge. The War Office is receiving numerous requests from professional men and others for release, and the reply is that demobilisa tion has not yet begun, and that release cannot at present be granted except, as heretofore, on compassionate grounds.
When demobilisation begins, released will be persons holding Government appointments, those required for the re-starting of industries of national importance, and those for whom definite employment is assured. In reference to the release of apprentices to Solicitors, for the purpose of continuing their studies, it has been decided that students, such as apprentices to Solicitors, who desire to continue or to enter upon courses of study under recognised authorities, shall, for this purpose, be regarded as persons having definite employment awaiting them. Returns have been furnished by the Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland to the Director, Ministry of Labour, Appointments Department, 45 Molesworth Street, Dublin, in reference to all apprentices of Irish Solicitors at present serving in His Majesty's Forces, so as to secure that applications by apprentices for release on demobilisation will be ex- peditiously dealt with. Forms are now being circulated throughout the armies, which every officer and man will complete, and such forms, when verified, will settle the claimant's priority on demobilisa tion. the first to be
Legal Decisions affecting Solicitors.
(Notes of decisions, whether in reported or unreported cases, of interest to Solicitors, are invited from Members.)
KING'S BENCH DIVISION (ENGLAND). (Before McCardie, J., without a jury.) EDGELOW v. MCELWEE. Moneylending — Solicitor lending money— Money-lenders Act, 1900. The plaintiff, a Solicitor, brought this action to recover a sum of £80 as money due on a cheque given by defendant for money lent. The defendant repudiated liability on the ground that the plaintiff was an un registered money-lender.
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