The Gazette 1918-19

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.



The Military Cross has been awarded to 2ND LIEUTENANT HUGH GALBRAITH, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. 2nd Lieutenant Galbraith was admitted a Solicitor in Easter Sittings, 1911, and practised at 5 South Frederick Street, Dublin, and Drogheda. A Bar to the Military Cross has been awarded to CAPTAIN ROBERT WATTS, Army Service Corps (attached Royal Irish Rifles). Captain Watts was admitted a Solicitor in Trinity Sittings, 1913, and practised at Belfast. Legal Appointment. SIR FRANCIS E. KEARNEY has been appointed Clerk of the Crown and Peace for the County and City of Limerick, in room of the late Mr. William M. Beauchamp. New Member. THE following joined the Society during October, 1918 :— Russell McWilliam, Monaghan. Commissioners to Administer Oaths. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following to be Commissioners to administer Oaths :— Richard W. Maxwell, Solicitor, 40 Nth. Gt. George's Street, Dublin. David A. Quaid, Solicitor, 9 Eustace Street, Dublin. David McKibbon, Estate Agent, Donaghadee. High Court Hours. THE present sitting hours of the Courts are from 10.30 a.m. till 3 p.m., unless where a Judge finds it desirable that the hearing of a case should continue to a later hour. On Saturdays the offices of the High Court are open from 10.30 a.m. till 12 o'clock noon. New Solicitors. THE following were admitted during August, September, and October, 1918 :— Name Served Apprenticeship to Callan, John W. T. ... John H. Callan, i Suffolk Dublin. Johnson, Richard D. F. Matthew D. McCoy, 100 George St., Limerick. O'Reilly, Philip H. I. Thomas J. Greene, 11 Wel– lington Quay, Dublin.

The Local Bankruptcy (Ireland) Act, 1888. Increase of Remuneration. BY Order of the Lord Lieutenant in Council made under the Local Bankruptcy (Ireland) Act, 1888, dated the 1st day of November, 1918, and published in the Dublin Gazette of same date, after reciting the fixing of costs under the Act by rules, of 28th December, 1888, it was ordered as follows :— That the costs payable to Solicitors in proceedings under the said Act, as prescribed by the First Schedule to the said Rules dated the 28th day of December, 1888, shall be increased in respect of business transacted on and after the 7th day of May, 1918, by the addition thereto of an amount equal to twenty-five per cent, of the amount of such prescribed costs, such increase to be in force during the continuance of the present war and for a period of six months thereafter. Results of Examinations. AT the Preliminary Examination, held on 3rd and 4th Oct., the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit — 1. Edward Walsh. 2. William St. Clair Rice. 3. Patrick Ryan. 4. Thaddeus O'Sullivan. 5. Martin J. Neilan. 6. Charles J. Downing. Patrick M. Cullen and John Dorman passed the modified Preliminary Examination, for which they had liberty to present themselves. Thirteen candidates attended : eight passed ; five were postponed. At the Intermediate Examination, held upon the 7th October, the following passed the examination, and their names are classed and placed in order of merit :— CLASS I. 1. Michael J. Spears. 2. Hutchinson E. Davidson. 3. John B. McCann. 4. Barry M. O'Meara. 5. Augustus Cullen. CLASS II. Alexander Sutherland. Ten candidates attended: six passed; four were postponed.

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