The Gazette 1918-19
July, 1918.
Vol. XII, No. 3.]
Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates : July loth and 24th. October 2nd, i6th and 3oth. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during June : Gazette, 4th. Land Acts, 7th. Costs, nth and igth. Statutory, 20th. House, Library and Finance, 2ist. County Courts, 27th. Obituary. MR. JOHN KILKELLY, Solicitor, died upon the I2th June, 1918, at his residence, 46 Upper Mount Street, Dublin. Mr. Kilkelly served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. James Kilkelly, 3 Mountjoy Square, South, Dublin, was admitted in Hilary Term, 1860, and-practised at 46 Upper Mount Street, Dublin. Mr. Kilkelly was appointed to the office of Crown Solicitor for the County of Armagh in the year 1867, which position he occupied up to the time of his death.
Meetings of the Council.
June 12th. Address to H.E. the Lord Lieutenant. It was resolved that an address the Lord Lieutenant, and the proposed address was prepared and adopted. Local Bankruptcy Courts. It was resolved that an application be made for an Order in Council increasing by twenty-five per cent. Solicitors' remuneration in proceedings in the Local Bankruptcy Courts. be presented to His Excellency The Council passed a resolution expressing their regret on the occasion of the death of the Right Hon. Sir Walter Boyd, Bart., and their sympathy with Lady Boyd and the family. Sir Ignatius O'Brien, Bart. A letter in reply was read from the Right Hon. Sir Ignatius O'Brien, Bart., thanking the Council for their letter expressing their appreciation of the unvarying and courteous attention given by him to their representa– tions in reference to professional matters during his tenure of the office of Lord Chancellor. June z6th. The Late Sir Walter Boyd, Bart.
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