The Gazette 1918-19
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[JUNE, 1918
HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN IRELAND. CHANCERY DIVISION LAND IJUDGE. LAND REGISTRY OF IRELAND. Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891. ORDER AND RULES, 1910 ORDER XII., COSTS. The \th of May, 1918. IN pursuance of the powers contained in Section 94 of the above Act and of all other powers thereunto Us enabling, it is hereby ordered that the following Order and Rule shall be made ; and We hereby certify that on account of urgency the said Rule shall come into immediate operation forthwith as a Provisional Rule : Order XII. Rule 4 (33). The remuneration of Solicitors in respect of business transacted by them on or after the 7th day of May, 1918, shall be increased as hereunder : SCHEDULE OF COSTS. Part IIIA.—Dealings with Registered^Land. Twenty-five per cent, on the remuneration prescribed where the value does not exceed £100 ; Twenty per cent, on the remuneration pre– scribed where the value exceeds £100 but not £1,000 ; Fifteen per cent, on the remuneration pre– scribed where the value exceeds .£1,000. Part ///D. Discharge of Equities. Twenty-five per cent, on the remuneration prescribed where the value of the land does not exceed £300 ; Twenty per cent, on the remuneration pre– scribed where the value of the land exceeds £300 but not £500 ; Fifteen per cent, on the remuneration pre– scribed where the value of the land exceeds £500 but not £2,000 ; Ten per cent, on the remuneration prescribed where the value of the land exceeds £2,000. In all other proceedings for which the remuneration is prescribed by the existing General Orders under the Act, twenty-five per cent.
scale shall come into immediate operation, and do make and frame the said scale to come into operation forthwith as Provisional Rules. Dated this yth day of May, 1918. Ignatius J. O'Brien, C. R. Brereton Barry. Andrew Todd.
Charles F. Doyle. W. J. Johnston. W. Herbert Brown.
1. In all ordinary Civil Bills where the decree pronounced exceeds the sum of fz, or Dismisses where the amount claimed exceeds the sum of fz, there shall be paid to Solicitors an increase of 25 per cent, to the costs and charges set forth in the Order dated the 24th day of December, 1877. 2. The above increase shall continue to be paid during the continuance of the present War and for six months thereafter. DUBLIN. THE RULES PUBLICATION ACT, 1893. NOTICE is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, that the Rule-making Authority prescribed by the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, proposes* to make the Rule set out hereunder, the same to come into immediate operation as a Provisional Rule and to continue in force until Rules shall have been made in accordance with the pro– visions of the said Rules Publication Act. And Notice is hereby further given, that copies of the said Rule as a Draft Rule may be obtained on application to the Office of the Lord Chancellor's Permanent Secretary. Dated this 13th day of May, 1918. FOUR COURTS,
Gerald Horan, Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper and Permanent Secretary to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland.
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