The Gazette 1917-18
0rixtg 0f Ireland
April, 1913.
Vol. XI, No. 10.]
Meetings of the Council. March. The Late Mr. John Redmond, M.P.
through the Inspector. It was resolved to write to the Board requesting that Solicitors should be at liberty to directly examine witnesses as at other inquiries. Solicitors' Remuneration. The President informed the Council that he had attended, on 2/th February, a meeting; of the rule recommending authority under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act (of which he is a member), when the applica tion of the Council for a General Order authorising an increase of charges during the war was considered, and after discussion he was requested to have a statement prepared showing each class of costs, and the amount of increase in each class, for which the Council seeks General Orders, such statement to be considered at a further meeting to be sum moned for the purpose. A statement such as that requested, since prepared by the Costs Committee, was now submitted and adopted by the Council, and directed to be sent to the Lord Chancellor's Secretary. Examinations, Applications by three Law Clerks for modified Preliminary Examinations under Section 18 were considered. Two of the applicants applied for examination as modified by Minute of 12th May, 1892, and it was decided not to oppose either of these two applications. In the third case the
The following resolution was passed, and a copy directed to be sent to Mrs. Redmond :— "The Council have heard with profound regret of the death of Mr. John Redmond, M.P., and desire to place on record their sense of the great loss the country has sustained through his untimely death at this crisis in the history of Ireland and the- Empire. The Council desire to convey to Mrs. Redmond and to the members of his family their sincere sympathy with them in their bereavement." Mortgaging of Purchased Holdings. A letter in reply was read from the Irish Land Commission on the subject of Section 54 (3) of the Irish Land Act, 1903, relative to the mortgaging of purchased holdings. The correspondence will be found in this GAZETTE. National Board of Education Inquiries. A report was submitted from the Privileges Committee in reference to instructions issued by the National Board of Education to their Inspectors, directing that Solicitors for parties appearing at inquiries held by Inspectors should put their questions to witnesses
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