The Gazette 1917-18
MARCH, 1918]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Country Solicitors A report was submitted from the Privileges Committee upon the subject of getting into closer touch upon professional matters with the members of the profession throughout the country. From this report it appeared that there are Sessional Bar Associations in nineteen counties, and in thirteen counties no such Association. It was resolved to adopt the recommendations contained in the report, that a letter be written to the Associations expressing the readiness of the Council at all times to consider matters affecting the interests of country Solicitors, and to render assistance in protecting such interests, and that a letter be written to a leading member of the pro fession in each of those counties where there is no Sessional Bar Association suggesting the formation of such an Association. Council Meetings MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— March 27th. April loth and 241)1. Committee Meetings THE following Committee Meetings were held during February, 1918 :— Land Acts, ist. Costs, 5th. Court of Examiners, 7th. Gazette, nth. Statutory, I2th, zist, and 28th. Privileges, 22nd. High Court Sittings, 1918 HILARY Sittings terminate on Wednesday, 27th March. Easter Sittings commence on Wednesday, loth April, and terminate on Wednesday, I5th May. Obituary MR. FRANCIS P. J. MAGUIRE, Solicitor, died on the nth February, 1918, at Clones. Mr. Maguire served his apprenticeship with Mr. Henry Murphy, Clones, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1912, and practised at Clones.
MR. JAMES L. McDoNNELL, Solicitor, died upon the l6th February, 1918, at his residence, " Roseville," Belfast. Mr. McDonnell served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Peter Macaulay, Belfast, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1899, and practised at 2 Wellington Place, Belfast. New Members THE following joined the Society during February, 1918 :— Edward J. Duffy, Kingscourt. William T. Mackay, 46 Kildare Street, Dublin. Robert Marshall, 29 Donegall Street, Belfast. William J. McCarthy, Listowel. Notary Public THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following to be a Notary Public :— Frederick H. Hall, Solicitor, 39 South Mall, Cork. Commissioners to Administer Oaths THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following to be Commissioners to administer Oaths :— Charles B. W. Boyle, Solicitor, 29 Lower Gardiner Street, Dublin. Erroll Burton, Solicitor, 43 Dame Street, Dublin. Charles Corcoran, Solicitor, 42 Fleet Street, Dublin. William J. M. Coulter, Solicitor, 200 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin. Christopher M. Grimes, Solicitor, 4 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin. Frederick H. Hall, Solicitor, 39 South Mall, Cork. Robert S. Heron, Solicitor, Banbridge. Thomas A. Ireland, Solicitor, 137 Stephen's Green, Dublin. Marcus A. Lynch, Solicitor, 12 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin.
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