The Gazette 1917-18
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
; the place where the injury
William E. O'Reilly, 6j Middle Abbey Street, Dublin. John R. Peart, 35 Westmoreland Street, Dublin. ____ County Courts, Ireland. Statutory Rule of Procedure as to Compensa tion for Criminal Injuries under the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, to come into operation on the First day of February, 1918. Rule 11 of the Statutory Rules of Procedure as to Compensation for Criminal Injuries under the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, dated 22nd March, 1899, is hereby repealed, and the following Rule shall apply in substitution therefor :— Rule ii.—The applicant for compensa tion shall three clear days before the commencement of the sessions for the division or the county borough in which the application is to be heard, publish in a newspaper circulating within the division or county borough a notice of the applica tion according to the form in the Schedule hereto, setting out the name and address of the applicant, the nature of the injury j complained of, the place where the injury is said to have occurred, the amount of compensation claimed, and the place where and the time when the application is to be heard. The reasonable cost of the preparation and publication of this notice may be allowed on taxation as part of the applicant's costs. SCHEDULE. Form of Notice of Application for Compensa tion for Criminal Injuries. Application for Compensation for Criminal Injuries. Take Notice that at the sessions (or Court) to be held at on the day of ,19 , an application for compensation for criminal injuries will be made on behalf of (set out the name of the applicant) of (set out his address). The nature of the injury complained of is
; and the amount
occurred is
of compensation claimed is ^ (The name of the applicant or his solicitor is to be appended.) Library. THE attention of Members is asked to the following list of books which are missing from the Library. The Council request that Members will have inquiry made to ascertain whether any of these books are in their offices. The Council would be glad of the books being returned to the Library. Brett.—Grand Jury, 1895. Browning and Glover.—Registration of Title. Burke's Landed Gentry, Vol. n, gth Edn. Ford.—Oaths. Henry.—Costs, Pt. I. Irish Law Times Reports, Vols. I., II., III., IV. and VII. Kerr.—Injunctions, 5th Edn. Law Reports Statutes, 1869 and 1877. Law Reports (Probate), 1914. Law Reports (1902), II. K.B. Legal Diary, 1911. Law Times, Vols. 83 and 130. Law Times Reports, Vols. 34, 44 and 49. Mecredy.—Fee Farm Grants. Underbill.—Torts, 1900. Walker.—Land Purchase and Sup. Walker.—Rating Provisions, Local Govern ment (2nd Edn.) Wolstenholme.—Conveyancing, 1913. Weekly Notes, 1911. Dates of Spring Assizes, 1918. NORTH-EAST CIRCUIT. Co. Meath.—At Trim, on Friday, March ist, at 11.30 o'clock. Co. Louth.—At Dundalk, on Monday, March 4th, at 11 o'clock. Co. Monaghan.—At Monaghan, on Wednes day, March 6th, at 11 o'clock. Co. Armagh.—At Armagh, on Friday, March 8th, at n o'clock. Co. Down.—At Downpatrick, on Tuesday, March I2th, at 12.30 o'clock.
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