The Gazette 1917-18
[JANUARY, 1918
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
" costs, exclusive of the costs in the Civil " Bill Court and the costs of appeal before " the Judge of Assize shall not, under any " circumstances, exceed the sum of ^10." The following amendment is now made :— Amend by substituting for the existing proviso the following words :— Provided that the costs, exclusive of the costs in the Civil Bill Court and the costs of appeal before the Judge of Assize, shall not exceed the sum of £10, unless in any case in which the Court is of opinion that under special circumstances a larger sum should be awarded, the Court shall have power to increase the said sum of .£10 to such amount, not exceeding £25, as it shall determine. ORDER LXXXIV., RULE I;A (6). The above-mentioned Rule I7A (6) is contained in Rules supplemental to those of 1905, and made on i6th March, 1911, which regulate the procedure on appeals by certiorari from allowances, disallowances, surcharges or declarations of Auditors under the Local Government (Ireland) Act. Rule I7A (6) provides that " No conditional " order shall issue unless the party " prosecuting the appeal shall within 10 days, " or such other time as the Court may direct, " enter into a recognizance before the Master " of the King's Bench Division, . . . ." The following amendment is now made :— Amend by inserting after the words " Master of the King's Bench Division " the following words :— or the Clerk of the Crown and Peace for the County in which the cause may have arisen, or any Resident Magistrate. ORDER LXV., RULE 53. This Order prescribes the allowances to be made for Printers' Charges, and the following amendment is now made :— Rule 53 shall be amended by increasing the charges specified as follows :— s. d. If 25 copies or any lesser number 10 6 If over 25 and not exceeding 50 copies .. .. .. ii 10
Military Honours. THE President of the French Republic has conferred the Croix de Guerre on Captain Charles T. Mackay, M.C., Royal Flying Corps. Captain Mackay was apprenticed on the I4th November, 1911, to Mr. Samuel Roche, Solicitor, Tullow. __ The Military Cross has been awarded to Lieutenant Percival H. Browne, Army Cyclist Corps. Lieutenant Browne was apprenticed on the ijth June, 1911, to Mr. William S. Hayes, Solicitor, 41 Nassau Street, Dublin. The Military Cross has been awarded to Lieutenant John Gillespie, Royal Field Artillery. Lieutenant Gillespie was apprenticed on the 16th July, 1912, to his father, Mr. John Gillespie, Solicitor, Castleblayney. New Members. THE following joined the Society during December, 1917 :— Parnell Gale, Chief Crown Solicitor's Office, Dublin Castle. Richard J. McDonnell, Kells. New Solicitors. THE following were admitted during Novem ber and December, 1917 :— Name Siwcd Apprenticeship to Cronin, John M. ... Patrick Ryan (deceased), Charleville. Mcllvennan, David ... John McKee, 106 Ann Street, Belfast. MacMahon, Charles Charles MacMahon, Dun- Gerald dalk. Reddin, Gerard Norman Patrick J. Brady, M.P., 20 Molesworth St.. Dublin Supreme Court Rules. BY Order in Council dated loth December, 1917, the following amendments have been made in the Rules of the Supreme Court of 1905 :— ORDER LIX., RULE 38. The existing Order directs the taxation of the costs of a special case by one of the Taxing Masters unless the Court or a Judge shall otherwise direct : " provided that the
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