The Gazette 1917-18
AUGUST, 1917]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Examination Results. AT the Intermediate Examination held upon 2nd July, the following passed the examina tion, and their names are classed and arranged in order of merit:—CLASS I.
October 8th—Intermediate of intending candidates to be lodged in the Secretary's Office before 24th September). October 9th, 10th and llth—Final (notices of intending candidates to be lodged in the Secretary's Office before 22nd September). Michaelmas Sittings Lectures. PROFESSOR MCKEEVER will deliver lectures to the Senior Class upon the subjects of Real Property, Equity, and Conveyancing on the following dates in Michaelmas Sittings, 1917:— October 26, 30. (notices Apprentices attending the lectures :— Williams' Principles of the Law of Real Property; Snell's Principles of Equity; Davidson's Concise Precedents in Con veyancing. PROFESSOR WHITE will deliver lectures to the Junior Class upon Common Law on the following dates in Michaelmas Sittings, 1917 :— October 25, 29. November 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29. December 3. Books recommended to be read by Apprentices attending the lectures :—Anson on Contracts ; Ringwood on Torts. The lectures to both classes will be delivered at 4 o'clock p.m., in the Lecture Theatre of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts. Apprentices desirous of attending either lecture class should give notice to the Secretary before the 18th October. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. November 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30. December 4. Books recommended to be read by
1. Henry A. Rutherford. 2. Patrick F. Verrington. 3. Martin J. Molloy. 4. James R. F. Ryan. 5. Bernard A. Lee. 6. Thomas Elliott. 7. Michael Dorgan ) , Bernard B. Hoy f equal 9. John A. Murphy. 10. Arthur J. Beatty. 11. James J. Blake. 12. Samuel H. Forsythe. CLASS II. 1. John D. Ross. 2. Samuel A. French. 3. David D. MacDonald. 4. Francis E. Scallan. 5. Edmond R. McDonnell. 6. Gerard Feeny.
7. Vincent P. McMullin. 8. Edward MacDermott. Twenty-three candidates attended :
passed ;
3 were postponed.
New Solicitors. ADMISSIONS DURING JUNE, 1917. Name Served Apprenticeship to
Browne, Daniel J.
Joseph Mang-an, Tralee, and John O'Connell, Tralee.
Cahill, William P. P. ... Maurice
Cork. Dunbar, Thomas O'B.... M. J. O'Connor, Wexford. Fag-an, James ... Christopher Friery, Dub– lin. Magwood, Charles ... W. Gordon Bradley, Dub– lin. Reddin, J. Kenneth Sheils ... John J. Beatty, Dublin. Reddy, Aloysius Joseph Charles J. Rrddy, Dublin Dates of October Examinations. THE following are the dates upon which the October Examinations will be held :— October 4th and 5th—Preliminary (notices of intending candidates to be lodged in the Secretary's Office before 18th September).
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