The Gazette 1917-18
Vol. XI, No. 3.]
July, 1917.
Meetings of the Council.
behalf of the parties concerned before Registration Officers, should be conducted by Solicitors for the parties, and not by persons who have no legal training or knowledge. Supreme Court Rules. A resolution was submitted from the General Council of the Bar advocating the deletion from Rule 38 of Order LIX. of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the limitation of the costs of a case stated to £10. The Council passed a similar resolution, and directed that a copy be sent to the Lord Chancellor's Secretary, to be submitted to the next meeting of Supreme Court Rule- making Authority. Examination Results. The report of the Court of Examiners upon the results of the May Preliminary and Final Examinations was submitted and adopted. The results appear in this GAZETTE.
June 13th. Representation of the People Bill.
The following resolution was passed, and copies directed to be sent to those Ministers whose names are on the back of the Bill, and to all Members for Irish constituencies :— RESOLVED :— The Council are of opinion that the duties to be performed by Registration Officers under the Bill are such as to require that those Officers should be persons who have had legal training and experience, and the Council approve of the provision contained in Clause 31 (3) (page 19) of the Bill, whereby the Clerks of the Crown and Peace in Ireland are constituted Registration Officers. The Council are of opinion that the Clause referred to should be amended so as to provide for the pay ment to Registration Officers of all proper and reasonable charges for trouble, care, and attention in the performance of their duties. The Council strongly urge that Rule 29 (page 27) of the Registration Rules, con tained in the First Schedule to the Bill, should be amended so as to limit the right of audience upon the hearing of claims and objections before the Registration Officer to any person interested, or a Solicitor on • his behalf. The Council are of opinion that, in the interests of the administration of justice, the examination of witnesses and the discussion of questions of law on
June Land Law Appeal Decisions.
The Council having requested the Judicial Commissioners to direct that the decisions in Land Law appeals should be com municated to the Solicitors on record for the respective parties, a letter in reply was read stating that the Judicial Commissioners are willing in the present position of Land Law appeals to direct that the decisions of the Court should be communicated to the
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