The Gazette 1915-16
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[APRIL, 1916
Commissioner to Administer Oaths. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following; to be a Commissioner to administer Oaths :— William Tuite, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Oldcastle. High Court Sittings, 1916. Easter Sittings will commence on Thursday, 27th April, and will terminate on Wednesday, 31st May. Trinity Sittings will commence on Wednesday, 14th June, and will terminate on Monda}?, 31st July. _____ New Solicitors. THE following were admitted during March, 1916 :— Name Served Apprenticeship to Orr, Artluir Percival .. William E. Orr, Omag-h, Co. Tyrone. O'Shea, Timothy ... Maurice McCartie, Kil- larney, Co. Kerry. THE in accordance with the provisions of the 2nd Section of the Act 63 & 64 Vict., cap. 58, ascertained from the Appendices to their Reports as presented to Parliament, in pursuance of Section 55 of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, by what amount in each county during the period commencing with and including the year covered by the Annual Report, dated the 12th day of July, 1901, and ending with that dated the 31st day of July, 1915, the rents of holdings in respect of which judicial rents have been fixed for a second statutory term, whether by order or by agreement, have, for the entire of such period, been varied by the fixing of such judicial rents, hereby certify that the average percentage of variation of judicial rents payable during a second statutory term as compared with the judicial rents payable during the last preceding statutory term in each county hereinafter mentioned, is the Irish Land Commission having, Irish Land Commission. TITHE-RENTCHARGE (IRELAND) ACT, 1900. (Certificate under Section 2.)
average percentage set forth opposite the name of each count}' specified in the Schedule hereto. Dated this 1 1th day of October, 1915. By Order, (Signed) C. T. BEARD, Secretary. r Seal of the ~| [_ Irish Land Commission. J SCHEDULE REFERRED TO IN FOREGOING CERTIFICATE.
Average Percentage of Variation
Name of County
Reduction 18.9 20.6 •
Antrim Armagh Carlow Cavan
17.0 19.5 IS Q 10. fl 3 TP \_ . • , ... Cork Donegal Down Dublin Fermanagh ... Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny King's County Leitrim Limerick Londonderry Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan Queen's County Roscommon ... Sligo Tipperary Tyrone - ... Waterford Westmeath Wexford Wicklow ... Seal of the r 1_ "1 Irish Land Commission. J
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