The Gazette 1915-16
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society ol Ireland.
MAY, 1915]
Special Examiner in French. The Council appointed Mr. E. J. Kelly, M.P., Solicitor, to be Special Examiner in French at the Society's Preliminary Exam– inations for the ensuing twelve months.
Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates : May 12th. June 2nd, 16th, and 30th. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during April : Gazette, 9th. Court and Offices, 19th. Costs, 20th. House, Library and Finance, 26th. Obituary. MR. JAMES F. MELDON, Solicitor, died upon the 13th April, 1915, at his residence, 60 Northumberland Road, Dublin. Mr. Meldon served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. James D. Meldon, 14 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin, was admitted in Hilary Term, 1860, and practised in partnership with Mr. Louis S. Meldon (under the st}'le of Messrs. Meldon and Company), at 14 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin. MR. FREDERICK H. G. WILSON, Solicitor, died upon the 25th April, 1915, at his residence, Greenan, Ballyholme, County Down. Mr. Wilson served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Henry Mahaffy and Mr. W. Irwin Mahaffy, of Belfast, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1892, and practised at Bangor, Co. Down.
Criminal Evidence Act, 1898. Criminal Appeal Act, 1907.
A report was considered from a Special Committee, upon the reference to the Council, by the General Meeting of the Society held last November, as to the advisability of the extension to Ireland of the Criminal Evidence Act, 1898, and the Criminal Appeal Act, 1907. The report, which was in favour of the extension to Ireland of the latter Act, but not of the Criminal Evidence Act, was adopted. It was resolved to report accord– ingly to the Half-yearly General Meeting to be held on 17th May.
April '28th. Applications in Lunacy.
The Council expressed approval of the direction of the Lord Chancellor that, in future, applications in Lunacy will be listed by the names only of the Solicitor for the applicant. Investment of Money Lodged in Court. It was resolved to draw attention in the GAZETTE to the Rule of the Supreme Court regulating the investment by the Accountant- General of cash lodged in Court in the Chancery Division, unless requested not to do so. The matter is dealt with in this GAZETTE. The Press at General Meetings. A letter was read from a member of the Society suggesting the advisability of holding at least one meeting of the members of the Society in each year at which the members of the Press should not be present. It was resolved to make a recommendation to the Half-yearly General Meeting to be held on the 17th May, that in future years the Press be not invited to be present at the May- Half-yearly General Meeting.
New Members.
joined the Society during
April, 1915 :
Davidson, John C. N., 1 Upper Mount Street, Dublin. Emerson, Edward, 95 South Mall, Cork.
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