The Gazette 1915-16
Vol. IX, No. 8.]
February, 1916.
Meetings of the Council.
January 26th. The Lord Chancellor.
January 12th. The Lord Chancellor.
A letter was read from the Lord Chancellor thanking the Council for their congratula tions. Certificates. Applications by three Solicitors for renewal' of their annual certificates and orders were made in the three cases. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates' :— March 8th and 22nd. April 5th. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during January, 1916 :— Gazette, 19th. Court of Examiners, 24th. Privileges, 25th. County Courts, 27th.
A resolution was passed congratulating the Lord Chancellor upon the occasion of a Baronetcy being conferred upon him. Postal Delivery in Dublin. The President informed the Council that a joint deputation from the Bar Council and from the Council of this Society had inter viewed the Secretary of the General Post Office, Dublin, to urge upon him the desir ability of continuing the late evening delivery of letters in Dublin ; and had suggested that the earlier evening delivery might be discontinued, in the event of the later one being continued The Secretary had informed the deputation, in reply, that the rearrange ment of the Dublin postal deliveries, owing to the exigencies of the war, did not permit of a later delivery than the 6.10 p.m. Law Clerks. Memorials from two Law Clerks asking for modified preliminary examinations were considered, and it was decided to assent to
both applications. Benchers' Meeting.
New Members.
following joined
A letter was read from the Lord Chancellor intimating that for the future the meeting of Benchers held upon the eighth day of each Sittings would take place at 3.30 p.m., instead of 11 o'clock a.m. as heretofore.
the Society during
January, 1916 :—
Cooke, Charles A., Galway, Hodgins, William L., Nenagh. Porter, Robert J., Belfast.
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