The Gazette 1915-16
[JANUARY, 1916
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Solicitors' Annual Certificates. MEMBERS are reminded that Annual Certifi cates for the year ending 5th January, 1917, should be taken out and the duties paid thereon before the 6th February, 1916. New Member. THE following joined the Society during December, 1915 :— Kelly, John, Westport. Knighthood. THE honour of Knighthood has been con ferred upon Mr. Francis Edgar Kearney, LL.D., T.C.D., Solicitor, of Limerick. He is Recruiting Officer for the Counties of Limerick and Clare, with the rank of Captain. Military Cross. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to confer the Military Cross on the following apprentices to solicitors :— SECOND LIEUTENANT JAMES K. MACG. GREER, 3rd Dragoon Guards (now of the Irish Guards). Second Lieutenant Greer is under appren ticeship to his father, Mr. Thomas M. Greer, Ballymoney. SECOND LIEUTENANT ROBERT W. McGoNiGAL, Royal Garrison Artillery. . Second Lieutenant McGonigal is under apprenticeship to his uncle, Mr. Daniel McGonigal, 2 Rosemary St., Belfast. Obituary. MR. PATRICK NOONEY, Solicitor, died upon the 15th December, 1915, at Mullingar. Mr. Nooney served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. William Mooney, 16 Fleet Street, Dublin, was admitted in Michaelmas Term, 1877, and practised at Mullingar (latterly in partnership with Mr. Thomas J. Dowdall, under the style of Messrs. Nooney and DowdaU). MR. GEORGE C. MOYERS, Solicitor, died at Turffontein, South Africa. Mr. Moyers served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Peter Lambert, 22 Nassau Street, Dublin, was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1896, and practised at 20 Fleet Street, Dublin, up to the year 1900, when he went to South Africa.
Court of Examiners. A report from the Court of Examiners upon an application by a Law Clerk for leave to be bound under Section 16, was read. The application was granted. December 15th. Statutory Committee. A letter was read from the Secretary of the Lord Chancellor intimating that His Lordship had appointed the following seven members of the Council to be tSe Statutory Committee under Section 34 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, for the year ending 26th Novem ber, 1916 :—Mr. C. St. G. Orpen, Sir A. F. Baker, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Henry, Mr. Macnamara, and Mr. Synnott. Measuring of Costs. The Council again had under consideration the question of the measuring of costs of interlocutory motions against the desire of the parties to whom such costs are payable. The Council passed the following Resolution : " That in the opinion of this Council it is the duty of the Solicitor for an unsuccessful litigant in an interlocutory motion not to apply to the Court to measure the costs unless there are special circumstances, and if he do so apply, he should state specifically the special circumstances relied on." Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— February 9th and 23rd. March 8th and 22nd. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during December, 1915 :— Costs, 3rd and 13th. Court of Examiners, 6th and 17th. Special, Recruiting amongst Law Clerks, 17th. Privileges, 20th. Gazette, 22nd. Calendar of the Incorporated Law Society, 1916. THE Calendar and Law Directory, published by the Society for 1916, can be obtained in the Secretary's Office, price 3s., or by post 3s. 5d.
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