The Gazette 1915-16
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Result of Final Examination. At the Final Examination, held upon the 12th, 13th and 14th October, the following passed the examination and their names are arranged in order of merit :— 1. Matthew A. Farrell. 2. Peter J. Ward, B.A.N.U.I.
Brady, Kdward K., Private Cadet Corps, 7th Batt. Leinster Regiment (Died in training). Bridge, Ernest P. G., Lieut., R.N.V.R. Bridge, William P., "D" Coy., 7th Batt.Royal Dublin Fusiliers (Killed in action}. Brown, J. Barry, 2nd Lieut., 4th Batt. Connaught Rangers. Butler, James B., 2nd Lieut., Royal Field Artillery. Campbell, John P. V., Lieut., Army Service Corps. Cox, Pierse J., Motor Despatch Rider, Royal Engineers. Craig, Charles C., M.P., Captain, llth "Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Creagh, Lancelot G., 2nd Lieut., 11th Batt. Lancashire Fusiliers. Crozier, Fras. R. M., Captain, 6th Batt. Royal Irish Fusiliers. Cunningham, Fredk. A., Major, late 3rd Batt. Cam- eronians (Scottish Rifles). Recruiting Officer, Belfast. Dunlea, Aloysius M., Captain, 6th Batt. Royal Irish Regiment. Dunn, John V., Captain, 7th Batt. Royal Munster Fusiliers (Killed in action). English, Robert D., Captain, 8th Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Exham, Cecil H., Captain, 4th Batt. Royal Munster Fusiliers. Falls, Charles F., Major, llth Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Findlater, Herbert S., Lce.-Corp., " D " Coy., 7th Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Fottrell, Brendan J., Lieut., 3rd Batt., Royal Irsih Regiment (Killed in action). French, Raymond, Lieut., G.R.C. Fry, Philip G., Lieut., 8th Batt. Royal Irish Fusiliers. Gait, William H. C., 2nd Lieut., Army Service Corps. Garvey, John, Lieut., Commander R.N.V.R. Gault, William, Sergeant, 18th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Gifford, Claude F., Lieut., 50th Batt. Canadian Oversea Expeditionary Force. Gillespie, Thomas V,, 2nd Lieut., 6th Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Gilmore, Dinnen B., Lieut., 6th Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Girvin, W. Harold, 2nd Lieut., 10th Batt. Royal Irish Fusiliers. Glass, Robert W., Sergeant, Royal Irish Rifles. Goddard, Norris, Lieut., R.N.V.R. Gordon, Herbert C., Lieut., llth Batt. Royal Innis killing Fusiliers. Hanratty, Simon E., South Irish Horse. Howe, Ivan A., 2nd Lieut., Royal Garrison Artillery. Hughes, Hamilton, 10th Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Hunt, E. D., 2nd Lieut., Army Service Corps. Johns, Tyndall S., Captain, 12th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Kearney, Francis E., Captain, Recruiting Officer, Limerick. Knight, William W. M., 2nd Lieut., llth Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Lahiff, Joseph V., Corporal, Royal Munster Fusiliers. Lane, William Aubrey, 2nd Lieut., Army ServiceCorps Lecky, Hugh, 2nd Lieut., 7th Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. MacCarthy, George E., The Irish Guards. MacCulloch, Robert R., Sergeant, No. 1 Battery,
3. William Caulfield. 4. Timothy O'Shea. 5. John Foley. 6. William J. McCourt. 7. Herbert W. CondeU. 8. Hugh P. O'Donnell. 9. William Black. 10. Stephen de V. Fogarty. 11. Richard J. McDonnell, B.A., L.L.B., N.U.I. 12. Richard H. McCoy.
The Council have awarded a Silver Medal to Matthew A. Farrell, and Special Certificates to Peter J. Ward and William Caulfield. Fifteen candidates attended ; twelve passed, three were postponed. Solicitors and Apprentices to Solicitors serving in His Majesty's Forces. The following is a list of Irish Solicitors and of Apprentices to Irish Solicitors, who are serving in His Majesty's forces. A roll of the names of Irish Solicitors and Apprentices to Irish Solicitors serving in His Majesty's forces has been placed in the Entrance Hall of the Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts. Should the name of any Solicitor, or Appren tice, who is at present serving in His Majesty's forces be omitted from the subjoined list, or should there be any inaccuracy in the list, it is particularly requested that information will be sent to the Secretary. Solicitors. Anderson, A. Newton, 2nd Lieut., 17th Batt., Royal Irish Rifles. Atkinson, Thomas J., Major, 9th Batt. Royal Irish Fusiliers. Babington, David L. J., Lieut., Army Service Corps (Motor Transport). Ball, George J., Captain (attached), Royal Engineers. Barren, Louis, Lieut., 7th Batt. Border Regiment. Beaumont, Arthur, Machine Gun Section, 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Boal, James S., 2nd Lieut., Royal Garrison Artillery.
Motor Machine Gun Service.
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