The Gazette 1915-16
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Resolution of Sympathy. A resolution was passed expressing the sympathy of the Council with Mr. James Brady in his bereavement, owing to the death of his son Private Edward Ellard Brady, Solicitor, of the Cadet Corps, 7th Battalion, Leinster Regiment. Investment of Funds in Court. In reply to a communication from the Lord Chancellor, the Council expressed approval of an amendment being made in Order LXII, Rule 66, whereby New War Loan would be substituted- for two and a half consolidated stock as the security in which the Accountant General is to invest sums of cash, not less than £50, lodged in Court in the Chancery Division. Court of Examiners. The report of the Court of Examiners upon the October Final Examination, and the award of the Findlater Scholarship was sub mitted and adopted. Annual Report. The draft of the Annual Report of the Council was considered and adopted. A resolution was passed expressing the sympathy of the Council with Mr. James Brady in his bereavement, owing to the death of his son Private Matthew Brady, of the 90th Winnipeg Rifles. Mr. Gerald Byrne. A letter was directed to be written to Mr. Gerald Byme, expressing the regret of his colleagues on his retirement from the Council, their appreciation of his valuable services to the Society, and their hope that he will soon be completely restored to health. Clerk of the Crown and Peace, Co. Down. The President informed the Council that on the lOtli inst., he had an interview with the Under-Secretary for Ireland, and had submitted reasons why there should be no iurther delay in making an appointment to the vacant office of Clerk of the Crown and 'November nth. Resolution of Sympathy.
Peace for County Down. The Under-Secre tary had listened attentively to what he had stated, and requested him to send in a written memorandum on the subject, and had given him reason to understand that an appointment would be made to the office without further delay. Death Duties (Killed in War) Act, 1914. A letter was read from the Assistant Registrar (Probate) in reference to ad valorem probate fees payable on grants under the above-mentioned Act. The letter appears in this GAZETTE. Law Clerks. A report from the Court of Examiners upon an application of a Law Clerk for leave to be bound under Section 16 was submitted, and the application was granted. Two memorials (under Section 18) of Law Clerks, the one asking for exemption from or modification of the Preliminary Examination, and the other for a modified Preliminary Examination, were considered, and it was resolved to assent in both cases, to a modified examination. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— January 12th and 26th. February 9th and 23rd. Committee Meetings. The following Committee Meetings were held during November : — Court of Examiners, 1st, 12th, and 29th. Gazette, 4th. ' Costs, llth. New Members. The following joined the Society~during November, 1915 :—§ ':> «• | Keery, William fj., 119 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. Morris, Henry G., 16 Molesworth Street, Dublin. Obituary. MR. WILLIAM FETHERSTONI-IAUGH, Solicitor, died upon the 6th November, 1915, at his residence, Carrick House, Mullingar.
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