The Gazette 1915-16
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society ol Ireland.
in Michaelmas Sittings, 1913, and practised at 60 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin. CAPTAIN (Adjutant) WILLIAM REEVES RICHARDS, of the 6th Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, was killed in action at the Dardanelles on the 15th August, 1915. Captain Richards served his apprenticeship with Mr. William C. Gage (of the firm of Messrs. S. S. and E. Reeves and Sons), of 51 Merrion Square, Dublin, and was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1914. CAPTAIN MICHAEL JOSEPH FITZGIBBON, Solicitor's Apprentice, of the 7th Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, was killed in action at the Dardanelles on the 15th August 1915. Captain FitzGibbon was apprenticed on the 16th March, 1910, to Master Denning, then of the firm of Messrs. Hoey and Denning, 12 Trinity Street, Dublin. LIEUTENANT JOHN HARTLEY SCHUTE, Solicitor's Apprentice, of the 6th Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers, was killed in action at the Dardanelles on the 16th August, 1915, Lieutenant Schute was apprenticed on the 15th February, 1912, to Mr. Nathaniel Taylor, 23 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. LIEUTENANT SAMUEL LEE TOLERTON, Solicitor's Apprentice, of the 6th Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers, was killed in action at the Dardanelles on the 15th August, 1915. Lieutenant Tolerton was apprenticed on the 3rd February, 1910, to Mr. Wm. H. Geoghegan, 19 Kildare Street, Dublin. Legal Appointments. MR. GEORGE B. WALKINGTON, Belfast, has been appointed Solicitor to the Ulster Bank, Limited, Belfast, in room of the late Mr. W. P. Boas. MR. CHARLES J. QUIRKE, Solicitor, 15 South Frederick Street, Dublin, has been appointed Registrar to the County Court Judge of Tyrone. Military Cross. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to confer the Military Cross on Captain John Joseph Kavanagh, 3rd Batta lion the Connaught Rangers, attached 1st
Battalion, for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on 25th September, 1915, when on special observation duty in a " crow's nest " in a very exposed building. From 6 a.m. onwards throughout the day, although under very heavy fire, he continued to send in most valuable information. His post was struck by four direct hits, but he only left it to put his orderlies under cover. He showed great nerve and determination. Captain Kavanagh is a Solicitor's appren tice, and is bound to his father, Mr. P. J. Kavanagh, of 9 South Mall, Cork. New Solicitors. . THE following were admitted during August, September and October, 1915 :— Name Served Apprenticeship to Maurice Healy, Cork. Simon E. Hanratty, Nevvry. Daniel O'C. Miley, Dub lin. Boudren, Denis Hanratty, John Joseph O'Grady, Daniel Taxing Office Procedure. THE Taxing Masters have, at the request of the Council, amended the form of affidavit of credits in Solicitor and client taxations. Same may now be sworn at any time after the Bill of Costs is furnished, instead of waiting till the taxation is completed. The Solicitor for the Costs will, accordingly, be enabled to have the credits ascertained at the time of taxation on due proof being given to the Taxing Master that a copy of the affidavit has been duly served, and that a full opportunity of checking same has been given to the other side. Recent Decisions affecting Solicitors. (Notes of decisions, whether in reported or unreported cases, of interest to Solicitors, are invited from Members.) CHANCERY DIVISION. (Before Barton, J.) Alexander v. Curragh and Others. July 6, 1915.— Practice—Costs — Taxation— Interlocutory Order directing payment of Costs—Interest as from date of Order— Rules of Supreme Court, Ireland, 1905. Order XLIL, Rule 15. AN interlocutory order directing the payment of costs by one person to another carries
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