The Gazette 1915-16
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Vol. IX, No, 4.]
August, 1915.
Meetings of the Council.
Law Clerks. Reports were submitted from the Court of Examiners upon applications from two Law Clerks for leave to be bound under Section 16. The Council granted both applications.
July Uth. Examination Results.
The report of the Court of Examiners upon the July Intermediate Examination was submitted. The results appear in this GAZETTE. Certificate. An application by a Solicitor for renewal of his annual certificate was granted. July 28th. Courts (Emergency Powers) Act, 1914. A Scale of Costs for applications in the County Courts under the Courts (Emergency Powers) Act, 1914, settled by the County Court Judges, and published in the Press on 23rd inst., being considered by the Council to be unsatisfactory, was referred to the County Courts Committee, with power to act. Four Courts Ambulance Corps. A letter was read from the Committee of the Four Courts Ambulance Corps, thanking the Council for the use of the Society's Hall for demonstrations in .First Aid work, and stating that about fifty Four Courts officials had obtained their qualifications, and hope to put the knowledge thus obtained to practical use with R.A.M.C. work.
Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— October 6th and 20th. November 3rd and 17th.
Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during July :— House, Library and Finance, 7th. Gazette, 12th. Court of Examiners, 13th and 23rd. Costs, 20th. County Courts, 29th. New Members. THE following joined the Society during July, 1915 :— Westmoreland Woods, John K., 46 Fleet Street, Dublin. White, J. Malvern, 4 Street, Dublin.
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