The Gazette 1915-16
JULY, 1915J
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Inland Revenue, but instructions issued by them to the Officers of this Depart ment, the applications for remission of duty under Section 1 of the Act must, in the first instance, be made to the Admiralty or the War Office, as the case requires, who, if satisfied that the case comes within the Act, makes the necessary recommendation to the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, and the matter is then dealt with by this Office in the regular course. The cases falling under Section 2 of the Act are dealt with by the Office without reference to the Treasury. Yours faithfully, * (Signed), A. WHEWELL, Assistant Secretary find Registrar. W. G. Wakely, Esq., Secretary, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. Land Registry Practice. Applications for First Registration and to Discharge Equities. CHANGE OF PRACTICE. ON and after the 1st July, 1915, Rulings on Title will be issued direct by the Central Office of the Land Registry to the Solicitors lodging applications to discharge equities or applications for first registration. Any returnable papers lodged direct in the Central Office in reply to the Rulings so issued will be returned by the Central Office to the Solicitor who lodged them. Other returnable papers (if any) will be returned through the local office in which they were lodged. in the
In any case appearing to the Chief Clerk by reason of its importance to so require, or if any party requests, the summons shall be placed in the Lord Chancellor's list. Otherwise such summons shall be dealt with by the Chief Clerk. (Signed), IGNATIUS J. O'BRIEN, C. 1st July, 1915. Accountant-General's Accounts. AT the request of the Lord Chancellor the Council have considered the form of Accountant-General's account hitherto in use in the High Court with a view to its improvement. The Council have had before them the forms in use in the Supreme Court Pay Office of the Royal Courts of Justice, London. A Committee of the Council have had interviews with the Accountant-General, and a new form has now been settled, and has been approved by the Lord Chancellor and Judges of the Chancery Division. The account will in future be in book form, and when lodged to be made up will be written up to date, but will not be balanced. An Accountant-General's certificate showing the balances of stocks and cash to credit will be issued as heretofore when required. in War) Act, 1914. APPLICATIONS for remission of duty under the above Act, in cases where the deceased has made a Will, should be accompanied by a copy of the Will. In reply to the inquiry whether Regulations had been issued under the Act, the following letter has been received :— . Estate Duty Office, Custom House, Dublin, Hth June, 1915. DEAR SIR, In reply to your letter of the llth inst., 1 write to say that no " Regulations " under the Death Duties (Killed in War) Act, 1914, have been issued by the Commissioners of Death Duties (Killed
Results of Examinations. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION.
AT the Preliminary Examination held upon 20th and 21st days of May, the following
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