The Gazette 1915-16
Vol. IX, No. 3.]
July, 1915.
Meetings of the Council.
Ireland servers appointed by the magistrates under statute, and that magistrates are quite willing to appoint qualified persons as"summons]scrvers, but there are no applicants for the posts, though means are taken by the Justices and Petty Sessions Clerks to make the want of a summons server known. The matter was referred to the County Courts Committee, and suggestions are in vited from country members in reference to it. there are no summons re-appointed Mr. C. H. Denroche, B.A., LL.B., R.U.I , Solicitor, and Mr. F. V. Gordon, B.A., ex-Scholar, T.C.D., Solicitor, as Special Examiners for 1916. Legal Appointments. Letters were read from the Under Secretary for Ireland on behalf of the Lord Lieutenant, from the Secretary of the Lord Chancellor, and from the Secretary of the Lord Chief Justice acknowledging the receipt of the Report of the Council in reference to Appointments to Legal Offices in Ireland. Royal Commission on the Civil Service. A letter in reply was read from the Secretary of the Royal Commission on the Civil Service stating that the Commission do not propose to include the Irish Legal Departments in their inquiry. June 30lh. Special Examiners. The Council
June 2nd. Four Courts V. A. D.
An application for the use of the Society's Hall by classes of instruction of the Four Courts Voluntary Aid Detachment was granted. Summons Servers. A letter was read from the Game Protection Association drawing attention to the fact that in several Petty Sessions districts there are no summons servers appointed by the Justices. It was resolved to write the Registrar of Petty Sessions Clerks on the matter. June IQth. Examinations. The report of the Court of Examiners upon the results of the May Preliminary and Final Examinations wa& submitted and adopted. Illegal Conveyancing. A letter was read from a country member giving particulars of a case in which a non- professional person had prepared a deed of transfer of land for remuneration. It was ordered that instructions be given for pro ceedings for recovery of a penalty under
27 Victoria, Cap. 8. Summons Servers. A letter was
read the Registrar of Petty Sessions Clerks that he is aware in some Petty Sessions Districts in in reply from
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