The Gazette 1914-15


The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— February 10th and 24th. March 10th and 24th. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during January :— Legal Appointments, 14th. Gazette, 18th. Costs, 19th. Court of Examiners, 25th. County Courts and Parliamentary, 26th. Legal Appointment. MR. STEPHEN J. BROWN, Solicitor, of Naas, has been appointed to the office of Crown and Sessional Crown Solicitor for the County of Kildare, in room of Mr. W. J. Grove White, resigned. Commissioner to Administer Oaths. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following to be a Commissioner to administer Oaths :— George C. North, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan. Obituary. MR. FREDERICK McWiLLiAM, Solicitor, died upon the 9th December, 1914. Mr. McWilliam served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Hugh Glass, Solicitor, Banbridge, was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1885, and practised at Banbridge. MR. JOSEPH MACAULAY, Solicitor, died upon the 3rd January, 1915, at his residence, 114 Malone Avenue, Belfast. Mr. Macaulay served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Peter Macaulay, Belfast, was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1879, and practised at Belfast.

Lord Justice Ronan. It was resolved that a letter be written to Lord Justice Ronan, conveying to him the congratulations of the Council on his elevation to the Bench. Resident Magistracy. The Council passed a resolution protesting against the appointment, announced in the Press that day, to the office of Resident Magistrate of a gentleman, without any- previous legal training, notwithstanding both the repeated resolutions of the Council urging the claims of the Solicitors' profession, and the statement on the subject submitted to the Lord Lieutenant by a deputation from the Council last November, and to which His Excellency's attention was drawn by letter from the Council on the 14th January, with a request that it should be considered when filling then existing vacancies. It was ordered that a copy of the resolution be sent to the Under Secretary for Ireland for submission to the Lord Lieutenant. Special General Meeting. A requisition, signed by twenty-seven members of the Society, requesting the Council to summon a Special General Meeting to consider a resolution on the subject of the practice in the High Court, and some of the Recorders' and County Courts, of measuring costs. It was resolved that in compliance with the requisition, a Special General Meeting be summoned for Friday, 12th February, at two o'clock p.m. Four Courts Stamp Office. The President stated that as a result of his inquiries he learnt that a member of the staff of the Four Courts Stamp Office had in December joined His Majesty's Forces, which accounted for delays in the office, but that arrangements had been since made for the attendance for two hours daily of an assistant from the Custom House to help at the work at the Four Courts Office, and as a result the delays complained of had ceased. Court of Examiners. A report from the Court of Examiners upon the January Preliminary and Final Examina tions was submitted and adopted. The results appear in this GAZETTE.

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