The Gazette 1914-15
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
MAY, 1914]
Committee in making the necessary arrange ments, to send in their entries as soon as possible to the Honorary Secretary (C. St.' G. Orpen, 18 Stephen's Green, Dublin). For the convenience of members of the Society an entry form will be found in the fold of this GAZETTE. There will be no entrance fee. Draws for the morning competition (18 holes by strokes) will be made at 9.30 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 11.30 a.m., and 12.30 p.m. Trains for Sutton leave Amiens Street Terminus at 8.55 a.m., 9.50 a.m.. 10.50 a.m., and 11.50 a.m., and the draws will be made on the arrival of these trains. Partners will be drawn for the foursome competition to be held in the afternoon, and competitors in sending in their entries will please state if they wish to play in both morning and afternoon competitions. Optional sweepstakes will be run for both competitions, and the amount subscribed will be devoted to providing 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes, as the Committee may determine. Legal Appointments. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed Mr. James A. Denning, Solicitor, of 12 Trinity Street, Dublin, to be a Taxing Master in room of Master Tandy, who has retired. Mr. Denning has been a member of the Council of the Society since 1903. and filled the office of a Vice-President of the Society in the year 1907-08. The Lord Chancellor has appointed Mr. John F. Culhane, Solicitor, of 15 Upper Mount Street, Dublin, to be a Taxing Master in room of Master Goff, who has retired. The Lord Lieutenant has appointed Mr. Richard F. Barry, Crown Solicitor, Birr, King's County, to hold the combined office of Crown Solicitor and Sessional Crown Solicitor for King's County.
Common Law Professorship. The election by the Council of a Professor of Common Law was fixed for 17th June. Further particulars appear in this GAZETTE. Certificates. Applications by two Solicitors for renewals of their certificates were considered, and orders were made in both cases. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the fallowing dates :— Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during April:— Costs, 2nd and 27th. Gazette, 6th. House, Library, and Finance, 21st. Privileges, 30th. Membership of Council. J\!R. JAMES A. DENNING, a member of the Council, having been appointed to the office of Taxing Master, Mr. Adam Lloyd-Blood, being next on the supplemental list, has succeeded to the vacancy. Easter and Trinity Sittings, 1914. UNDER the new Supreme Court rule, which came into operation this year, Easter Sittings will terminate on Wednesday, 20th May, Trinity Sittings will commence on Wednesday. 3rd June, and will terminate on Friday, 31st July. Solicitors' Golf Competition. As announced in the last number of the GAZETTE the above competition, which is open to all Irish Solicitors, will be held on Thursday, the 21st May, at the Portmarnock Golf Links. Intending competitors are particularly .requested, with a view to facilitating the May 6th and 20th. June 3rd and 17th.
New Members.
following joined the Society during
April, 1914 :—
Boxwell. Wm. S. S., 5 Hume Street. Chapman, Wm. E., Waterford. Lambert. .S. D., 16 Dawson Street.
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