The Gazette 1914-15

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.



The Irish Landowners' Convention. 4 Kildare Street, Dublin, 12th November, 1914. Advances under Irish Land Purchase Acts. DEAR SIR, It appears that, owing to the present crisis due to the war, there is no market for Land Stock. Under these circumstances I write on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Irish Landowners' Convention to ask that, in all cases where the purchase money is payable partly or all in Stock, under the Act of 1903, and also in all voluntary sales under the Act of 1909, notice may be given by the Estates Commissioners to the Vendor's Solicitor, and also the agent named in the Originating Application, as least fourteen days previous to any advance being made. I would ask that the notice should state that the Commissioners will make the advance unless any special circumstances regarding the estate may be brought to their notice which might make them decide otherwise. This would give such Vendors an opportunity of putting before the Estates Commissioners any special circumstances regarding the estate in respect of which it is proposed that the purchase money should be so advanced. Yours faithfully, (Sgd.) GEO. P. STEWART. John T. Drennan, Esq., Registrar, Estates Commissioners, Dublin. Estates Commissioners' Offices, Irish Land Commission, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin, 21s* Nov., 1914. DEAR SIR, In reply to your letter of the 12th instant, I am directed by the Estates Commissioners to state that they are prepared to give 14 days' notice of their intention to advance purchase money either wholly or partially in stock in all cases in which the Vendors or their Solicitors apply that such notice may be given. Yours faithfully, (Sgd.) JOHN T. DRENNAN. . Geo. P. Stewart, Esq., The Irish Landowners' Convention. 4 Kildare Street, Dublin.

A. Mr. Montagu.—The matter has been carefully considered. My Right honourable friend, however, does not see his way to remit the certificate duties, which in the circum stances referred to by the honourable Member would, as he is doubtless aware, only be payable in the case of Solicitors who continued, directly or indirectly, to practice. [16th November, 1914]. Emergency Legislation. ATTENTION is drawn to the publication of a Manual of Emergency Legislation, com prising all the Acts of Parliament, Proclama tions, Orders, etc., passed and made in consequence of the war, with supplement, to Nov. 3rd, 1914. Edited by Alexander Pulling, C.B., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Published by Frederick Atterbury, C.B., by authority. Issued by H. M. Stationery Office. Price, Three Shillings and Sixpence. Land Purchase Acts Advances. THE following correspondence has taken place on the above subject:— The Irish Landowners' Convention. Offices—4 Kildare Street, Dublin, 25th November, 1914. Advances under Irish Land Purchase Acts. DEAR SIR, Referring to my recent conversation with you, I now enclose copy of a letter which I addressed to the Registrar of the Estates Commissioners on the 12th inst., and his reply thereto of the 21st inst. I have since heard from Mr. Drennan, saying that the Estates Commissioners have no objection to the publication of this corres pondence in the " Solicitors' Journal," should you consider it desirable to have these letters so published, in order to inform Solicitors that the Estates Commissioners are prepared to give 14 days' notice of their intention to advance purchase money, either wholly or partially in Stock, in all cases in which the Vendors or their Solicitors apply that such notice may be given. Yours very truly, (Sgd.) GEO. P. STEWART. H. J. Synnott, Esq., President, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, 31 Kildare Street, Dublin.

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