The Gazette 1914-15
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Craig, Charles C., M.P., Captain, llth Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Crozier, Fras. R. M., 2nd Lieut., 6th Batt., Royal Irish Fusiliers. Cunningham, Frederick A., Captain, Royal Irish Rifles. Dunn, John V., 2nd Lieut., 7th Batt., Royal Munster Fusiliers. English, Robert D., Lieut., 8th Batt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Exham, Cecil H., 2nd Lieut., 4th Batt., Royal Munster Fusiliers. Falls, Chas. F., Capt., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Findlater, Herbert S., " D " Co., 7th Batt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Fottrell, Brendan J., Lieut., 3rd Batt., Royal Irish Regiment. Fry, Philip G., 2nd Lieut., 8th Batt., Royal Irish Fusiliers Gilmore, Dinnen B., 2nd Lieut., Gth Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Gordon, Herbert C., 2nd Lieut., llth Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Johns, Tyndall S., Lieut., 12th Batt., Royal Irish Rifles. Knight, William W. M., llth Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Lecky, Hugh, " D " Co., 7th Batt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers. MacCarthy, George E., The Irish Guards. MacCulloch, Robt. R., 2nd Lieut., 8th Batt., Black Watch. McCallum, John D. M., Captain, 8th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. McLean, Robert E., Captain, 13th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Markey, Patrick C., 2nd Lieut., Royal Field Artillery. Merrick, Ernest E., Lieut., 7th Batt., Royal Irish Fusiliers. Miller, Julian T. E., Captain, 10th Batt., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Moynagh, Stephen, "D" Co., 7th Bitt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Munn, Alfred E. A. M., 2nd Lieut., llth Batt., Inniskilling Fusiliers. Nolan, William S., 2nd Lieut., Array Service Corps. O'Grady, Wm. M., 2nd Lieut., 14th Batt., Manchester Regiment. Orr, Robert C., Captain, 3rd Batt., Somerset shire Light Infantry.
Commissioner to Administer Oaths. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following to be a Commissioner to Administer Oaths :— Wilson Fyffe, Solicitor's Assistant Strabane. Resident Magistracy. UPON the 13th November His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant received at the Castle a deputation from the Council, consisting of the President (Mr. Synnott), Mr. Brady, M.P., and Mr. MacDermott (Vice-Presidents); Mr. Hayes, Mr. Macnamara, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Henry, and the Secretary. His Excellency was accompanied by Sir M. Nathan, Under secretary for Ireland, • Sir James B. Dougherty, and Mr. Martin-Jones. The President and Mr. Brady made statements in support of the claims of the profession to have more Solicitors appointed as Resident Magistrates, no Solicitor having been appointed to the office since 1910. His Excellency, in replying, stated that five of the six Solicitors at present Resident Magistrates were appointed by the present Government, and promised that the views put forward by the deputation would be considered. serving in His Majesty's Forces. THE following is a list of Irish Solicitors, and of Apprentices to Irish Solicitors, who are serving in His Majesty's forces. Should the name of any Solicitor, or Apprentice, who is at present serving in His Majesty's forces be omitted from this list, it is hoped that information will be sent to the Secretary. SOLICITORS. Atkinson, Thomas J., Captain, 9th Batt. Royal Irish Fusiliers. Bridge, Wm. P., " D " Co., 7th Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Cox, Pierse J., Motor Despatch Rider, Royal Engineers. Solicitors, and Apprentices to Solicitors,
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