The Gazette 1914-15

DECEMBER, 1914.) The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Annual Report. The draft Annual Report of the Council was considered and adopted.

A letter was read from the Southern Law Association submitting the names of the following members of that Association to be extra-ordinary members of the Council :— Mr. W. G. Lane. Mr. B. C. Galvin, Mr. Charles Jermyn, Mr. Walter B. Ronan, and Mr. Walter Thornhill. The ten members nominated were declared duly elected as the ten extra-ordinary members of the Council for the year ending 26th November, 1915. Mr. M. J. Burke. A letter in reply was read from Mr. M. J. Burke thanking the Council for their congratulations. The Rev. J. P. Mahaffy, D.D. It was resolved that the congratulations of the Council be conveyed to Dr. Mahaffy on his appointment as Provost of Trinity College. Dr. Mahaffy has for the past 45 years been a special examiner to the Society. Land Purchase. A letter was read from the Secretary of the Landowners' Convention to the President, enclosing copy of correspondence in reference to the giving by the Estates Commissioners of fourteen days' notice of intention of advancing purchase money in Stock. The correspondence appears in this GAZETTE.

November 18th.

Council Dinner. A letter was

read from Sir Lambert Ormsby thanking the members of the Council for their donation to the Irish Motor Ambu lance Fund. Mr. Martin J. Burke. The Council directed a letter to be written to Mr. Martin J. Burke, who for several years has been one of the representatives of the Northern Law Society on the Council, expressing to him the congratulations of the Council on his appointment as Clerk of the Crown and Peace for Co. Antrim and the City of Belfast. Court of Examiners. Reports of the Court of Examiners upon applications of three Law Clerks for leave to be bound for three years under Section 16, were read. One application was granted, one was refused, and the third was adjourned sine die. Mr. Stanuell. The President, on behalf of the Council, expressed their regret at the retirement of Mr. Stanuell from the Council, after a membership of thirty years, during which he rendered valuable services to the Society and profession. Mr. Stanuell thanked the Council.

Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :—

January 13th and 27th. February 10th and 24th.

November 27th. Extra-Ordinary Members.

Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during November :— Court of Examiners, 2nd and 16th. Gazette, 5th. Costs, llth.

A letter was read from the Northern Law Society submitting the names of the following members of that Society to be extra-ordinary members of Council:—Mr. C. W. Black, Mr. Joseph Alien, Mr. J. D. Coates, Mr. J. L. McDonnell, and Mr. J. C. White.

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