The Gazette 1914-15
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Lecky, Hugh, " D " Co., 7th Batt, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. MacCulloch, Robt. R., 2nd Lieut., 8th Batt., Black Watch: Markey, Patrick C., 2nd Lieut., Royal Field Artillery. Merrick, Ernest E., 2nd Lieut., 7th Batt., Royal Irish Fusiliers. Miller, Julian T. E., Captain, 10th Batt., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Moynagh, Stephen, "D" Co., 7th Batt., Roval Dublin Fusiliers. Munn, Alfred E. A. M., 2nd Lieut., llth Batt., Inniskilling Fusiliers. O'Grady, Wm. M., "D" Co., 7th Batt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Parke, James C., Lieut., 6th Batt., Leinster Regiment. Richards, Wm. R., 2nd Lieut., 6th Batt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Ronan, John, 2nd Lieut., Royal Munster Fusiliers. Ryan, Wm. G., 2nd Lieut., 6th Batt., Royal Irish Rifles. Smiles, Wm. A., 2nd Lieut., 9th Batt., Royal Irish Rifles. Triscott, Cyril, Motor Despatch Rider, Royal Engineers. Watson, Saml. H., 2nd Lieut., R. F. Artillery. Wright, Wm. M., 2nd Lieut., 13th Batt., R. I. Rifles. , APPRENTICES. Brett, Jasper T., " D " Co., 7th Batt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Bridge, Allman V., 2nd Lieut., 6th Batt., Royal Irish Regiment. Crookshank, Arthur C., 2nd Lieut., 6th Batt., The Leinster Regiment. Denroche, Chas. T., 2nd Lieut., 7th Batt., The Leinster Regiment. Disney, Thos. B. L., Motor Despatch Rider, Royal Engineers. Donnelly, Joseph A., 2nd Lieut., Royal Field Artillery. Dunbar, Thomas, "D " Co., TthjBatt, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Farrell, Cecil J., Capt., 5th Batt., Leinster Regiment. Fitzgibbon, Michl. J., 2nd Lieut., 7th Batt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Fitzgerald, James G., 2nd Lieut., 9th Batt., Royal Irish Fusiliers. Greer, James K. MacG., Nth. Irish Horse.
Kavanagh, John J., 2nd Lieut., 3rd Batt., Connaught Rangers. McKee, Herbert M., Motor Despatch Rider, Royal Engineers. O'Morchoe, Arthur D., 2nd Lieut., 5th Batt., The Leinster Regiment. Patterson, Richd. G. G., 9th Batt., Royal Irish Fusiliers. Purcell, Noel M., 2nd Lieut., 6th Batt:, The Leinster Regiment. Stevens, Wm. P., 2nd Lieut., 2nd Batt., The King's (Liverpool Regiment). Tougher, Robt. A., Lieut., 4th Batt., Royal Irish Fusiliers. Turnbull, Alex. M., Motor Despatch Rider, Royal Engineers. Williams, Saml. E., 2nd Lieut., 6th Batt., Royal Irish Regiment. The Prize Court. THE Prize Court, presided over by the President of the Admiralty Division, held its first sitting on 4th September, at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. It was the first occasion for a period of sixty years that a Prize Court had held a sitting in this country. The statutes relating to the practice of this Court are the Naval Prize Act, 1864; the Prize Courts Act, 1894, and the Prize Courts (Procedure) Act, 1914. This Court exercises jurisdiction for the whole Empire, and accordingly Irish claims are dealt with by the Court, the Irish Courts never having had a prize jurisdiction. (See The Madonna del Burso, reported 4 C. Rob. 169.) Irish Solicitors concerned for parties interested in Prize Court proceedings may find it more convenient to instruct their London Agents rather than carry on the proceedings in their own names in London. Ballot for Election of Council. THE ballot for the election of the Council • will take place in the Secretary's Office between the hours of eleven o'clock ajn. and one o'clock p.m., on Monday, the 23rd day of November, 1914. Ballot papers returned by post should be posted so as to reach the Secretary not later than one o'clock p.m. on Monday, bhe 23rd day of November, 1914.
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