The Gazette 1914-15
AUGUST, 1914]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Law Reports.
(J. G.) :
The Survey
Revised Reports, The : being a republi- cation of such cases in the English Courts of Common Law and Equity, from the year 1785, as are still of practical utility. Edited by Sir Frederick Pollock. Vols. 141-145 ; 8vo ; London, 1913-14. The Laws of England, being a complete statement of the whole Law of England. Vols. XXVI.-XXVII. 8vo; London, 1913. Stephens (Henry John) : New Com mentaries on the Laws of England (partly founded on Blackstone). 16th ed., by Edward Jenks. 4 Vols. ; 8vo ; London. 1914. Halsbury (Rt. Hon. The Earl of) : the Law of Personal Property. ed., by T. C. Williams. 8vo ; London, 1913. Wilshere (Alured M.) : Analysis of the Law of Real and Personal Property, for the use of students. 8vo ; London, 1914. of Dublin. Vol. XI. Marriage Entries from the Registei's of the Parishes of St Andrew. St. Anne, St. Audoen, and St. Bride (Dublin), 1632-1800. 8vo ; Exeter, 1913. 17th Parish Register Society Williams (Joshua) : The Principles of
Gazetteer of the British Isles, topo graphical, statistical and commercial. Compiled from the 1911 Census, and the latest official Returns, with Appendices and Atlas. 4to ; Edinburgh, 1914. Bolton (Albert D.) : The Housing of the Working Classes (Ireland) Acts, 1890 to 1908, together with the provisions of other Acts relating thereto, including the National Insurance Act, 1911, etc. ; also the rules and forms issued there under. With Notes of Cases decided under each Section, etc., including English. Irish and Scottish Decisions under the Act of 1890. 8vo ; Dublin, 1914. Kerr (William Williamson ): Law and Practice of Injunctions. 5th ed., by J. M. Paterson. 8vo ; London, 1914. Assurance. V. Fitzgerald, A. R. Barrand, and C. A. Hunt. 8vo ; London, 1914. Carr (A. S. Comyns), W. H. S. Garnett, and J. H. Taylor : National Insurance. With a Preface by the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George. 4th ed. 8vo ; London, 1913. 5th ed., by J. Bunyon (Charles John) : Law of Life
Housing of the Working Classes.
Laws of England.
Personal Property.
Public Records.
International Law.
Real Property. Wilshere Williams on
Foote (John Alderson) : national Jurisprudence based on Decisions of the English Courts. ed., by Coleman Phillipson.
Private Inter
the 4th
(Alured M.) :
the Law of Real and
Personal Property,
the use
8vo ; London, 1914.
8vo ; London. 1914.
Justice of the Peace.
Stone's Justices' Manual: Justices' Practice 46th ed., edited by J. R. Roberts. Yearly for
being the
Public General Acts (The), passed in the Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth. 8vo ; London. 1914.
8vo ; London, 1914.
Licensing Acts.
Statutory Rules and Orders.
Paterson (James) : The Licensing Acts. 24th ed., by G. R. Hill. 8vo ; London, 1914.
Statutory Rules and Orders. 1913.
8vo ; London, 1914.
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