The Gazette 1914-15

[AUGUST, 1914

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


July 29th.

Resident Magistrate, through the death of Mr. Robert L. Brown. The Council desire to respectfully submit to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant that in appointing to this vacancy, the claim of the Solicitors' profession to have one of its members appointed is entitled to consideration in priority to any other claims which may be made. The latest appointment of a Solicitor to the office of Resident Magistrate was made upon 6th June, 1910 ; there have been nine appointments since made, four of whom were formerly Army Officers, three Royal Irish Constabu lary Officers and two Barristers. There are at present sixty-four Resident Magistrates, of whom sixteen are Barristers, forty-two were either Constabulary Officers or persons engaged in other pursuits, and only six are Solicitors. The Council hope that His Excellency will on this occasion accede to the request of the Council and appoint a member of the Solicitors' profession to the office. I remain, Your obedient Servant, (Signed), W. G. WAKELY, Secretary. The Under-Secretary for Ireland,, Dublin Castle. Examination Results. The report of the Court of Examiners upon the July Intermediate Examination was submitted. The results appear in this GAZETTE. Law Clerks. A report from the Court of Examiners upon an application from a Law Clerk for leave to be bound under Section 16 was submitted, and the application was granted. House Committee. Estimates, recommended by the House Committee, were accepted for the painting of the Society's hall, staircases, smoke room, and lavatory, also for the laying of new lino leum in the hall and on the stairs ; the works to be carried out under the supervision of Mr. A. E. Murray, C.E.

Library. A presentation of valuable volumes of Law Reports for the Society's Library having been very kindly made by Mr. W. Stubbs, B.L., the Council passed a resolution of thanks to Mr. Stubbs for his gift. Court Sittings. On the recommendation of the Court and Offices Committee it was resolved that a letter be written to the Lord Chancellor's Secretary drawing the attention of the Lord Chancellor and the Judges to the incon venience arising on the first day of sittings, and on other days when there are meetings of the Judges or Benchers, owing to the un certainty as to the time at which the several Courts will sit, and suggesting that on such days there should be an announcement in the Legal Diary stating an hour for each Court, before which, such Court will not sit. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— October 7th and 21st. November 4th and ]8th. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during July :— House, Library and Finance, 10th. Gazette, 13th. Court of Examiners, 13th. Land Act, 21st. Costs, 24th. Court and Offices, 27th.

New Members.

joined the Society during



July, 1914 :--

Atkinson, Jiimes S., 31 Kildare Street, Dublin. Connolly, Henry G., Clifden.

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