The Gazette 1913-14


Vol. VII, No. 8.]

February, 1914.


Meetings of the Council.

Court of Examiners. A report from the Court of Examiners recommending that from January, 1915, the subject of Land Judge practice be eliminated from the final examination course was adopted.

January County Courts Bill.

The County Courts (Ireland) Bill containing the amendments agreed upon by a Committee of the County Court Judges and the County Courts Committee of the Council was sub mitted. It was resolved that the Chief Secretary for Ireland be requested to receive a deputation from the Council, consisting of the President, Mr. P. J. Bracly, M.P., Vice- President, and Mr. Byrne, and that the deputation do urge the Chief Secretary to take charge 'of the Bill as a. Government measure next session. Legal Appointments. It was resolved, in view of a vacancy occurring in the office of Chief Clerk to the Chancery Judge, to write to the Lord Chancellor and to Mr. Justice Barton urging the claims of Solicitors, and drawing attention to the provisions of Section 12 of the Chancery Act, 1867, which prescribes the qualifications of chief clerks to be either a practising Solicitor of ten years' standing, or a person who shall have held some office or offices in the'Gourt of Chancery for seven years. Certificates. Applications by three Solicitors for renewal of their annual certificates were considered, and orders were made in the three cases.

January 28lh. Court of Examiners.

The report of the Court of Examiners upon the January Preliminary and Final Examina tions was submitted. The results appear in this GAZETTE. County Courts Bill. The deputation from the Council, consisting of the President, Mr. P. J. Brady, M.P., Vice-President, and Mr. Byrne, reported that they had been received by the Chief Secretary, and they had requested him to take charge of the County Courts (Ireland) Bill next session. The Chief Secretary had promised to have the Bill cammed,-and to communicate with the Society in reference to its introduction as a Government measure next session. Resident Magistrates Bill. A report was submitted from a Special Committee of the Council who had conferred with the representative of the Bar Council in reference to the draft of a Bill which Mr. O'Sheej M.P., intends to introduce next session, dealing with the office of Resident Magistrate. The Bill has for its object the

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