The Gazette 1913-14
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[MAY, 1913
reference to the suggestion of this Council that the Rules of the Supreme Court (Ireland), 1905, should be amended so that the inconvenience caused by the occurrence of the Easter and.Whitsuntide public holidays during the Court Sittings, might be obviated. A reply was received from the Bar Council nominating Mr. Hanna, K.C.. and Mr. Babington, B.L., to confer on the subject. The Council appointed the President, Mr. Byrne, and Mr. Synnott, to meet the representatives of the Bur Council. County Court and Bankruptcy Laws. The Dublin Chamber of Commerce invited the Council to nominate two of its members to meet two members of the Chamber of Commerce, and two members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, for the purpose of discussing the best means of bringing about alterations in County Court practice and Bankruptcy Laws embodied in resolutions passed at a meeting of Irish Chambers of Commerce and other commercial bodies, held on 6th February last. On the 26th February the Council nominated Mr. Byrne and Mr. Collins to attend the meeting. On the 18th April the meeting was held, and Mr. Byrne and Mr. Collins now reported to the Council that they had fully laid before the meeting the views of the Council on these two matters, and that the meeting had agreed that the County Courts (Ireland) Bill, as introduced in 1911, should be supported, and that the suggestions relative to the Bank– ruptcy Laws should be further considered before any action is taken thereon. Coroners' Inquests (Railway Fatalities) Bill. This Bill, which has been presented in the House of Commons, is similar in its provisions to the Bill presented last year. Clause 1 (6) provides that " any relative of any person whose death may have been caused by the accident, with respect to which the inquest is being held, and any person appointed by the Committee of any trade society of railway servants or of any friendly society of which the deceased was at the time of the accident a member, shall be at liberty to attend and examine any witness either in person or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent,
subject nevertheless
to the order of
Coroner." The Council took steps to oppose the Bill of last year owing to the insertion of this clause, and it was resolved to take a similar course in regard to the Bill of this year. Law Clerks. The petitions of two Law Clerks for leave to be bound under Section 16 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, and report of the Court of Examiners thereon, were considered. One petition was granted, and the other refused-
Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates : June 4th and 18th. July 2nd, 16th and 30th.
Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during April : Gazette, 10th. House, Library and Finance, 14th. Costs, 24th. Court of Examiners, 25th.
New Member. THE following joined the Society during April, 1913 : Hastings, John L. R., Magherafelt.
Notaries Public. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed following to be Notaries Public :
Andrew C. Leitch, Solicitor, Omagh. Alexander E. Donnelly. Solicitor. Omagh.
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