The Gazette 1913-14
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Hilary Sittings Lectures. PROFESSOR MAYNE>wiU deliver lectures to the Senior Class upon the subjects of Real Property, Equity, and Conveyancing, on the following dates in Hilary Sittings, 1914 :— PROFESSOR SHARPE will deliver lectures to the Junior Class upon the subject of Common Law on the following dates in Hilary Sittings, 1914 :—January 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29. February 2, 5/9, 12, 16, 19. January 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30. February 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20. Incorporated Law Society's Calendar and Law Directory, 1914. THE Calendar and. Law Directory for 1914. will be published early in January, and will be obtainable in the Secretary's Office, price three shillings ; postage, fourpence extra. Solicitors' Apprentices' Debating Society. THE meetings are held on Monday evenings at eight o'clock p.m., in the Antient Concert Rooms, Great Brunswick Street. PROGRAMME FOR HILARY SITTINGS, 1914. January 12th. — Debate. — " That the European occupation of independent native States, such as India, Egypt, or Tripoli, is justifiable." January 19th.—-General Legal Debate.— " That the Jury System is in need of reform." January 26th.—Impromptu Speeches. February 2nd.—Parliamentary Debate.— " A vote of no confidence in the present Government." February 9th.—Legal Debate.—" That the case of Bates and another v. Batey and Co., Ltd. (1913), 3 K.B., 351, was wrongly decided." February 16th.—Debate.--" That the exist ence of a second Parliamentary Chamber is an essential safeguard in a democratic Constitution."
Additions to the Library. THE following Books were added to the Library from August to November, 1913, inclusive :— : • . Attorney, Powers of MacKenzie (V. St. Glair): The Law of Powers of Attorney and Proxies, with Forms. 2nd ed. 8vo; London, 1913. Chartered Accountants. Chartered Accountants in Ireland, Institute of: List of Members, 1913. 12mo; Dublin, 1913. Costs. Summerhays (William F.) and T. Toogood : Precedents of Bills of Costs . , '. • 9th ed., by T: C. Summerhays. C. Gilbart Barber, and R. S. Summerhays. ' 8vo : Londmi, 1913. Dublin University. Dublin University Calendar for the year 1913-1914, to which are added the ordinary Papers set in the year 1912-1913. • Vol. I. ; 8vo ; Dublin, 1913. Franchise and Registration. Lawson (William) : Notes of Decisions under the Representation of the People Acts, and the Registration Acts, 1912. Vol IV., Part II. ; 8vo ; Dublin, 1913. International Law. Bentwich (Norman) : Students' Leading Cases and Statutes on International Law, with an introductory note by Professor L. Oppenheim. 8vo ; London, 1913. Landlord and Tenant. Daniels (George St. Leger) : A Manual of the Law of Flats. 8vo ; London, 1905. Phrase and Fable. Brewer (E. Cobham) : Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, giving the derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions and words that have a tale to tell. 142nd thousand ; 8vo ; London, 1912.
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