The Gazette 1913-14
The Gazette o! the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
AUGUST, 1913]
Additions to the Library.
Dates of October Examinations. THE following are the dates upon which the October Examinations will be held :— October 2nd and 3rd.—Preliminary. (Notices of intending candidates to be lodged in Secretary's Office on or before 3rd September.) (Notices of intending candidates to be lodged in Secretary's Office on or before 22nd September.) (Notices of intending candidates to be lodged in Secretary's Office on or before 9th September.) Michaelmas Sittings Lectures. PROFESSOR MAYNE will deliver lectures to the Senior Class upon the subjects of Real Property, Equity, and Conveyancing on the following dates in Michaelmas Sittings, 1913 :— October 28, 31. November 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28. December 2, 5. Books.— Williams' Principles of the Law of Real Property ; Snell's Principles of Equity ; Davidson's Concise Precedents in Con veyancing. PROCESSOR SHARPE will deliver lectures to the J unior Class upon Common Law upon the following dates in Michaelmas Sittings :— October 27, 30. November 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27. December 1. 4. Books.— Anson on Contracts ; Ringwood on Torts. The lectures to both classes will be delivered at 4 o'clock p.m., in the Lecture Theatre of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four | Courts. Apprentices desirous of attending either lecture class should give notice to the ] Secretary before the 20th October. October 6th.—Intermediate. October 7th, 8th and 9th.—Final.
THE following Books were added to the Library from December. 1912, to July, 1913, inclusive :— Arbitration and Awards. Slater (Joshua) : Law of Arbitration and Awards. 5th ed., by Albert Crew. " 12mo ; London, 1913. Attorney, Powers of. Mackenzie (V. St. Clair) : The Law of Powers of Attorney and Proxies, with Forms. 2nd ed. 8vo ; London, 1913. Bible. Holy Bible, The. Lar. 8vo ; Oxford, n.d. Cruden (Alexander) : A Complete Con cordance to the Old and New Testaments : or a Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible. With a Memoir by William Youngman. 8vo ; London, n.d. Biography. Who's Who, 1913. An Annual Bio graphical Dictionary with which is incor porated " Men and Women of the Time." Sixty-fifth year of issue. 8vo ; London, 1913. Census. Census of Ireland, 1911. General Report, with Tables and Appendix. Fol. ; London, 1913. Clubs. Wertheimer (John) : Law Relating to Clubs. 4th ed., by A. W. Chaster. 12mo ; London, 1913. Colonial Office. Colonial Office List for 1913 : comprising historical and statistical information respecting the Colonial Dependencies of Great Britain, an Account of the Services of the Officers in the Colonial Service, a Transcript of the Colonial Regulations, and other information. With Maps. Com piled by W. H. Mercer, A. E. Collins, and J. R. VV. Robinson. Fifty-second publica tion. 8vo ; London, 1913. Company Law. Palmer (Sir Beaufort) : Company Prece dents, for use in relation to Companies
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