The Gazette 1913-14
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,
[JUNE, 1013
Jrish Land (Finance) Rules, 1912.
Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates : July 2nd, 16th, and 30th.
ISSUE OF GUARANTEED 2| PER CENT. STOCK. UNDER Rule 9 (1) of these rules it is provided that no issue of 2f per cent. Stock is to be made between the date when the books are closed for the preparation of the dividend and the following dividend day. The effect of this provision has been that no 2|- per cent. Stock has been issued during either the months of June or December, with the result that allocations of purchase moneys, which otherwise would have taken place in July, have been postponed over the Long Vacation. The Council have drawn the attention of the Treasury to the loss and inconvenience entailed upon vendors owing to this pro– vision, and have requested that the rule should be amended so that the books should not be closed until within fifteen days of the next dividend day, as in the case of three per cent. Stock. In compliance with the request of the Council the Treasury have issued the following rule, to which the attention of members is drawn, as it reduces to fifteen days each half-year, the period during which Guaranteed 2f per cent. Stock will not be issued : IRISH LAND RULES. RULE Dated 27th May, 1913, made by the Treasury under the Irish Land Act, 1903 (3 Edw. 7, c. 37) and the Irish Land Act, 1909 (9 Edw. 7, c. 42). The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury hereby certify, under Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, that on account of urgency the following Rule should come into immediate operation, and, in pursuance of the powers conferred by Section 41 and other sections of the Irish Land Act, 1909, and of every other power enabling them in this behalf, hereby, without prejudice to any further exercise of the said powers, make the following Rule to come into operation forthwith as a provisional Rule : The period for which the issue of stock is prohibited under the first paragraph of Rule 9 of the Irish Land (Finance) Rules, 1912, shall
Committee Meetings.
following Committee Meetings were
held during May :
Privileges, 7th. House, Library, and Finance, 8th. Gazette, 9th. County Courts, 29th.
New Members.
the Society during
May, 1913 :- -
Cowan, John, Newry. Crotty, Martin J., Kilkenny. Howley, Hubert P., Sligo. Ryan, William G.,
1 Lower Ormond
Quay, Dublin. White, Charles T. B., 13 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin.
Commissioner to Administer Oaths. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following to be a Commissioner to administer Oaths : Thomas J. Blackall, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Kilrush. Obituary. MR. JAMES F. M. O'SULLIVAN, Solicitor, died on the 17th May, 1913, at his residence, Carrickbeg House, Carrick-on-Suir. Mr. O'Sullivan. who served his apprentice– ship with the late Mr. Isaac Thornton, Waterford, was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1883, and practised at Carrick-on-Suir. MR. ROBERT G. HAMILL, Solicitor, died on the 19th May, 1913, at his residence, 15 North Great George's Street, Dublin. Mr. Hamill, who served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Alexander O'Rorke, Belfast, was admitted in Hilary Term, 1875, and practised, formerly at Ballymena, and latterly at 7 Chancery Place, Dublin.
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