The Gazette 1913-14
OF THE fncarprrateir fafo S0rietj of
Vol. VII, No, 2.]
June, 1913.
Half-Yearly Meeting. THE' Half-yearly General. Meeting of the Society was held in the Hall of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, on Friday, 16th May. The chair was occupied by the President (Mr. James Henry), and the following members were present : C. G. Gamble (Vice-President), Gerald Byrne, R. A. Macnamara, C. A. Stanuell, George Collins, A. E. Bradley, H. J. Synnott, C. St. G. Orpen, W. V. Seddall, James Moore, R. Blair White. James Murphy, A. H. S. Orpen, W. H. Fry, P. K. White, H. D. Draper, Patrick Rooney, H. C. Neilson (jun.), W. J. Ryan, Elliott M'Neill, James Braciy, E. Condell, J. G. Liclwell, Ouintin W. Kennedy. J. J. McDonald, R. A. O'Brien, John Read, Wm. Read, G. E. G. White, W. H. Sutton, M. C. O'Halloran, Sydney Bell, C. T. B. White, James Davis, G. A. G. Byrne, W. Grove White, R. T. Holmes, C. G. P. Wilson, W. J. Byrne, John Minton, Edwin Lloyd. THE PRESIDENT, addressing the meet– ing, said : We meet under the shadow of a great calamity. Mr. Justice Wright has passed from our midst with startling sudden– ness. On Wednesday he was engaged in the performance of his judicial duties ; to-day we mourn the loss of an able, fearless, and upright Judge. Throughout his career at the Bar he had that best testimony to his ability the appreciation, esteem, and respect of the members of the Solicitors' profession. He was held in eqtially high esteem ever since he obtained his well-merited promotion to the Bench. To those of us who came into closer contact with him, he was consistently a kind and genial friend. We deplore his loss, and
desire to express our heartfelt sympathy with his widow and children in their sudden bereavement. The Secretary (Mr. W. G. Wakely) read the minutes of the Half-yearly General Meeting held upon 26th November, 1912, which were confirmed. On the motion of Mr. Gerald Byrne, seconded by Mr. George Collins, it was resolved that Mr. F. Gifford, Mr. W. W. Carruthers, and Mr. D. B. Dunne be appointed Auditors of the Society's Accounts for the year ending 30th April last. The President nominated the following members of the Society to act as Scrutineers of ballot for Council, to be held on 21st November next: Mr. J. J. Cartan, Mr. E. N. Edwards, Mr. W. Geoghegan, Mr. J. G. Perry, and Mr. P. K. White. THE PRESIDENT stated he desired to refer to some of the more important of the matters which had engaged the attention of the Council since the Half-yearly Meeting of November last, and first he would refer to the question of the reform of County Court procedure which, he said, had been before the Council for the past 16 or 17 years. It was considered last year not only at the half- yearly meetings, but also at a special meeting in January, and a resolution was passed call– ing for a Commission of Inquiry into the state of the law and procedure in the County Courts. That resolution was sent to the Chief Secretary, but nothing resulted until some time late in February, when three members of the Society, Messrs. P. J. Brady, Lardner and O'Shee, had an interview with the Chief Secretary. They subsequently received from
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