The Gazette 1913-14

MAY, 1913.] The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.



Draft Certificates.

6. (a) The parties to be served with notice of the application to settle the Chief Clerk's certificate are left to the Solicitor's discretion. (b) In lodging documents for the prepara– tion of the draft certificate the documents are lodged by the Solicitor with the Junior Clerk, and the Solicitor only makes out a list of the debts.

(a) The Assistant Chief Clerk gives direc– tions as to the parties to be served with notice. (b) The Solicitor, in addition to the docu– ments, has to prepare various lists, such as debts, balances, general papers lodged, etc.


7. (a) Accounts will be received up to the day the case appears in the list.

(a) If a document has to be lodged after the day named for lodgment the Solicitor must apply to the Chief Clerk, and it is usual to obtain the consent of the other side, or else to issue a summons for liberty to lodge the additional document. (b) The duty is impressed on the accounts prior to their lodgment in Chambers. (c) A four-day order to compel the lodging of account is made by the Chief Clerk. Decree. The Chief Clerk directs the person to be served with notice on the hearing of the summons for directions. The draft scheme is settled by the Chief Clerk at Chambers, and placed in the Judge's list for approval by him. After having been approved of by him or altered, the scheme is referred back to Chambers. When it has been settled by the Chief Clerk it is certified by him, and a summons before the Judge is issued to confirm the certificate. Allocation Schedules are settled in' public by issuing a summons to all parties before the Chief Clerk to settle the Schedule, and when the Schedule is settled it is adjourned by him into the Judge's list. Affidavits as to costs are verified, filed and produced to the Chief Clerk before the case is heard by the Judge. Allocation Schedules are verified. Sale of Stock for Allocation order made by Chief Clerk. The Solicitor gets the draft document from the Senior Clerk, and does his own scrivenry.

(b) On lodging accounts no duty is paid on the lodgment, and it is not paid until after– wards, viz., on the Chief Clerk's certificate. (c) A four-day order to compel the lodging of account is made by the Judge. Notice of 8. The list of persons to be served is left to the discretion of the Solicitor.

Charity Scheme.

9. The scheme is prepared as a matter of ordinary business, drafted by the Solicitor and settled by Counsel, and then submitted as a complete document to the Judge in Court.


10. In cases of certificates, all the scrivenry is done in the Chamber.

Allocation Schedules.

11. Allocation Schedules are taken by the Chief Clerk in his private room, and the Solicitor having carriage is the only person present, except in rare cases. When this is completed the Solicitor issues a summons to allocate before the Judge. Affidavits as to costs are made after the allocation order and lodged with the Accountant-General. Allocation Schedules are not verified. Sale of Stock for Allocation order made by Judge on exparte application of Solicitor.

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