The Gazette 1913-14

MARCH, 1914] The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


he will proceed with the taxation, and stating that the parties or their Solicitors may attend and will be heard at such taxation : Provided always that, notwithstanding the absence of all or any of the parties aforesaid, the taxation shall be proceeded with in accordance with the notice. (4). The Taxing Officer shall be paid by the Council a fee of Six Shillings and Eight Pence in respect of any bill of costs where the bill does not contain more than 50 separate items ; of Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence where the number of items exceeds 50 but does not exceed 100 ; and of One Pound where the number of items exceeds 100. The like fees shall be payable in the case of any bill of costs furnished to the Council by their Solicitor, save that where the number of items exceeds 200 an additional fee of Six Shillings and Eight Pence for every 100 items or less after the first 200 shall be payable. The receipt of the taxation fee shall be noted on the bill by the Taxing Officer. (5). The costs to be allowed to any person as aforesaid in respect of the employment of a Solicitor shall be in accordance with the following scale :— s. d. Attendance taking instructions ... 5 0 Perusal of wills, deeds, leases or other necessary documents for the purpose of preparing short abstract of title for the period required by law. Per skin (not exceeding five for any one document) ... ... ... ... 1 0 Drawing short abstract of title, per brief sheet of eight folios ... ... 6 8 Fair copy, per brief sheet of eight folios ... ... ... ... ... 2 6 Preparing statutory declaration, if required ... ... ... ... 5 0 Attendance having declaration made 2 6 Necessary correspondence, per letter 3 4 Attending taxation ... ... ... 5 0 Provided that, in addition to the foregoing fees, all necessary and actual disbursements, including postage and telegrams, shall be allowed, and in respect of work not herein before provided for the Schedule of Fees dated 3rd January, 1859, made in pursuance of the Chancery Appeal Court (Ireland) Act, 1856, as altered by Schedule II. of the General

Order of 1884, made in pursuance of the Solicitors Remuneration Act, 1881, shall apply and have effect as if for the sum therein specified in each case there was substituted two-thirds of the amount of such sum. and in any case where such two-thirds would involve a fraction of a penny, such fraction shall be reckoned as a penny. (6). The bill, when taxed by the Taxing Officer, shall be certified and returned by him to the Clerk of the Council, and the sum certified shall be paid by the Council as soon as practicable to the party entitled thereto. The Taxing Officer shall, if required, furnish to the Solicitor of the party entitled to costs a certificate of the taxation of same. (7). At the option of the Solicitor acting for any party as aforesaid, the total fees payable for deducing title to lands taken under the Acts, and completing transfer thereof to the Council, may, without any taxation as aforesaid, be in accordance with the following scale :— £ s. d. Where the total purchase money or compensation payable does not exceed £25 ... ... ... 1 1 0 Where the same exceeds £25 but does not exceed £60 ... ... 2 2 0 Where the same exceeds £60 but does not exceed £100 ... ... 3 3 0 Where the same exceeds £100 but does not exceed £200 ... ... 4. 4 0

and beyond £200 at the rate of two per cent, for every additional £100 or part thereof up to and including £1,000, and beyond £1,000 at the rate of one per cent, for every additional £100 or part thereof.

(8). For the purposes of this Order, Edward McHugh, of 50 Lower Sackville Street, | Dublin, Solicitor, is hereby appointed to act as Taxing Officer until we shall otherwise direct. Given under our Seal of Office, this Sixteenth day of February, in the


Year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and' Fourteen. (Signed), AUGUSTINE BIRRELL.


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