The Gazette 1912-13
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Vol. VI, No. 9.]
March, 1913.
Meetings of the Council.
from the Honorary Secretary of the Under- Sheriffs' Association. Resident Magistrates. Letters acknowledging the receipt of the resolution in favour of Solicitors being ap pointed to the office of Resident Magistrate, which was passed by the Council upon 29th January, and which appeared in the GAZETTE of last month, were read from the Assistant Under-Secretary for Ireland upon behalf of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, from the Chief Secretary for Ireland, and from the following Members of Parliament:—Mr. Brady, Mr. C. Craig, Mr. M. Healy, Mr. V. Kennedy, Mr. Lardner, and Mr. O'Shee. Arms of the Society. A letter was read from the Ulster King of Arms requesting the Council to lend the Society's Grant of Arms for exhibition at the Royal Hibernian Academy, and the request was complied with. Room for the President. The question of setting apart a room in the Society's Buildings for the use of the President of the Society for the time being was considered on a report from the House Committee, to which the matter had been referred, and it was decided that Consultation Room No. 1 be suitably furnished for such purpose, and that it be available for con sultations when not being used by the Presi dent. Easter and Whitsuntide Holidays. A member of the Council having drawn attention to the inconvenience which arises
February 3rd. Under-Sherifls (Ireland) Bill.
THE Council met specially to consider a report from the County Courts Committee, as to the urgent necessity for legislation in respect of the office of Under-Sheriff. The Under Sheriffs' Association, having requested the assistance of the Council in promoting legislation, a conference was held between three representatives of the Association and the County Courts Committee, at which the law relating to Sheriffs in Ireland, and the desirability of legislation on the subject was fully discussed. The Council agreed with the report of the County Courts Committee, which was in favour of improving the existing procedure, and the following resolution was adopted by the Council:— " RESOLVED.—The Council of the Incor porated Law Society of Ireland are of opinion that legislation is urgently neces sary for the purpose of putting the office of Under-Sheriff in- Ireland on a better and more workable basis, and accordingly that it is desirable that a Bill in the terms of the Under-Sheriffs (Ireland) Bill, which was promoted by the Under-Sheriffs' Associa tion in 1905 and approved by this Council, should be passed into law."
February 12th. Under-Sheriffs (Ireland) Bill.
Letters acknowledging the receipt of the above resolution were read from the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Dublin and
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