The Gazette 1912-13
We hold an Immense Stock of Deed Boxes, in all sizes and qualiti^ Special sizes made and lettered to order on Shortest Notice.
Deed Boxes. Japanned black and polished inside and outsid made of best tinned steel, and fitted with 4 lever locks. Length Width Depth Price i.i x 7>£ x 7 ins. ll/- 13/6 Length Width Depth 20 x 14 x 13 ins. 14 x 10 x 10 ,, 22 x 16 x u)^ x ii ,, IS/- 2.) x 17 x 15 i8 x 13 x 12 „ 17/- Any style or size of box made to order.
The Legal Stand, pric^ complete, £3 iSs. 6d. Containing 4 best tinned steel boxes, Japanned black and hand-polished fronts; size of boxes, 20 x I2y2 x 12^ ; falling fronts with chain. The boxes are arranged as follows : one with 4 compartments, one 3, one 2, and one without. Stand, wrought iron with brass knobs. Above boxes can also be had separately in stronger finish at the following prices:— 4 compartments, 25,'- each ; 3 compartments, 24/- each 2 .. 226 ,,; without ,, 19/- „
Despatch Boxes, bl;ick Japanned, polished, brass handles, bet quality, fitted with lever locks. 8 ins., 5/6 ; 10 ins. 6/6 12 ins., 8/-; 14 ins., 9/-; 16 ins., 11/6; 18 ins., 12/S. The Brief Box, for taking brief paper folded, 5/6 ; With brass handle, 6/6.
Legal Stationers,
Made with FlippingBook