The Gazette 1912-13
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[MAY, 1912
New Members.
application, on or before the 31st May, 1912, to the Secretary. The duties of the Professor consist of: delivering twelve lectures in Michaelmas Sittings, twelve lectures in Hilary Sittings, eighteen lectures in Easter and Trinity Sittings (making in all forty-two lectures in the year), the holding of a viva voce examina– tion in the subjects of the lectures to ascertain if the apprentice be deserving of a certificate of attendance at the lectures, and (when required by the Council) examining at the Final Examination. 1 The lectures take place on Tuesdays and Fridays at four o'clock, p.m. Library. THE attention of Members is asked to the fact that Volume 4 of the Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents (published by Butter- worth & Co.), has been some time missing from the Library. The Council would be glad of its being returned. Solicitors' Certificate Duty, THE following correspondence has taken place in reference to this matter : The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, 27th March, 1912. SIR, I am directed by the Council of this Society to send to you the enclosed copy of a Memorial submitted by the Council to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in March, 1907, praying for the abolition or for a substantial reduction in amount of the Annual Certificate Duty payable by Solicitors in Ireland. The Council desire to urge this matter upon your consideration, and to express the hope that the prayer contained in the enclosed Memorial will this year receive from you favourable consideration. I remain, Your obedient Servant, (Signed), W. G. WAKELY, Secretary. The Right Hon. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, The Treasury, Whitehall, London.
joined the Society during
April : Corrigan, Wm. C. M., 3 St. Andrew Street, Dublin. Dwyer, Michael J., 43 Dame Street, Dublin. Nelson, W. H. Niall, 57 Arthur Street, Belfast. Nolan, Wm. S., Graiguenamanagh. Obituary, MR. RONALD W. HAMILTON, Solicitor (late of Dublin), died upon the 4th April, 1912, at Mitchelstown. Mr. Hamilton, who served his apprentice– ship with Mr. Henry R. Emerson, 14 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin, was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1894, and was for some years assistant to the Solicitor for the Board of Public Works, Ireland. MR. MICHAEL JAMES O'CONNOR, Solicitor, died upon the 29th April, 1912, at his resi– dence, 2 O'Connell Street, Sligo. Mr. O'Connor, who served his apprentice– ship with Mr. Jeremiah McCarthy, Solicitor, Sligo, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1903, and practised at Sligo up to the year 1907, when he was appointed to the office of Borough Coroner of Sligo, which position he filled up to the time of his death. THE Council will, at their meeting, upon Wednesday, the 5th day of June, 1912, appoint a Professor of Equity, Real Property Law and Conveyancing, to the Society, in room of Mr. Thomas G. Quirke, B.A., LL.D., R.U.I., whose term of office will expire at the end of Trinity Sittings. The new Professor will enter upon his duties next Michaelmas Sittings. The appointment will be made for one year, and the Professor appointed will be eligible for re-appointment for each of the four succeeding years. A candidate for the Professorship must be either a practising Barrister or a practising Solicitor (in each case of not less than six years standing), and he should send his Professorship of Equity, Real Property Law, and Conveyancing.
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