The Gazette 1912-13
'The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,
[JANUARY, 1913.
Russian Government Dvinsk-Vitebsk Rail way 4% Bonds. Illinois Central Railroad 4% Cairo Bridge Bonds of 1950. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company 4% 25-year Gold Bonds of 1928. Long Island Railroad Company Guaranteed 4% Refunding Mortgage Bonds of 1949. Northern Pacific Railway 4% Prior Lien Railway and Land Grant Gold Bonds. Cordoba Central Railway Company 4% Con solidated Debenture Stock (Central Northern Section). Bahia Blanca and North-Western Railway 4% First Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 5% (1912) Debenture Stock. NOTE.—Forms of application for permission to invest .can be obtained from the office of the Public Trustee, Ireland, 32 Nassau Street, Dublin. The Public Roads (Ireland) Act. 1911, County Courts, Ireland. PROVISIONAL RULES, DATED THE 19T.H DECEMBER, 1912. 1.—(1) The following Rules shall have effect under the Public Roads (Ireland) Act. 1911 (in these Rules referred to as the Act), with reference to any matter or proceeding for the regulation of which Rules of Court may be made under the Act and generally for carrying the Act into effect so far as it affects the County Court and proceedings in the County Court. (2) These Rules may be cited as the Public Roads (Ireland) Act Rules, 1912. (3) The Interpretation Act, 1889, shall apply for the purpose of the interpretation, of these Rules as it applies for the purpose of the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. (4) These Rules shall be read and construed with the " County Courts (Ireland) Orders, 1890," and the County Court Orders of subsequent dates amending the same. 2. All proceedings in the County Court under the Act shall be by ordinary Civil Bill Process and Civil Bills under the Act shall be returnable in the division of the County Court within the jurisdiction of which the damage is done or within the jurisdiction of which the defendants or any of them reside or carry on business.
Southern Pacific Company 4% Central Pacific Collateral Gold Bonds. Southern Pacific Railroad 4% 1st Refunding Gold Bonds. Southern Pacific Company 4% 20-years Con vertible Gold Bonds. Union Pacific Railroad 20-year 4% Con vertible Gold Bonds. Union Pacific Railroad 4% 1st Mortgage Gold Bonds. Union Pacific Railroad 4% 1st Lien and Refunding Mortgage Bonds. Debenture Stocks of Railways in Mexico, the Argentine Republic or Canada. Argentine Great Western Railway 5% Debenture Stock. Argentine Great Western Railway 4% 1st Debenture Stock. Argentine Great Western Railway 4% 2nd Irredeemable Debenture Stock. Bahia Blanca and North Western Railway 4|-% 2nd Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 4J% Con solidated Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 4% 1st Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 4|% 2nd Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 5% Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway 4% Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres Western Railway 4% Deben ture Stock. Canadian Pacific Railway 4% Debenture Stock. Central Argentine Railway 3-£% Central Debenture Stock. Central Argentine Railway 4% Consolidated Debenture Stock. Cordoba Central Railway 5% 2nd Debenture Stock (Central Northern Section). Mexican Southern Railway 4% 1st Mortgage Debenture Stock. Ontario and Quebec Railway 5% Permanent Debenture Stock. List of Additional Securities in which Investments have been approved by the Public Trustee, Ireland, since List pub lished 29th June, 1912. Argentine Government 4% Bonds, 1900. Chilian Government 5% Loan, 1909.
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