The Gazette 1912-13
DECEMBER, 1912.] The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Ex-Presidents. The Council resolved to invite ex-Presidents of the Society to present to the Society their portraits, to be placed in the Council Chamber. Debating Society. The list of subjects for debates for 1912-13 Session was submitted and approved of. Retiring Members of Council, The following resolution was adopted :— " That this Council desires to express its " deep regret at the retirement from it of " seven of its most valued members. " Their colleagues desire to express to " them their keen appreciation of their " valued services to the Society and to the " profession, and to hope that at a future " date they may see their way to again " become members of the Council." Mr. Franks, Sir George Roche, and Mr. Lyster, the three members present of the seven referred to, thanked the. Council, and it was resolved that the resolution be for warded to the other four retiring members. A letter was read from the Northern Law Society submitting the names of the following members of that Society to be extra-ordinary members of Council:—Mr. J. C. White, Mr. Joseph Alien, Mr. Martin J. Burke, Mr. J. D. Coates, and Mr. G. B. Wilkins. A letter was read from the Southern Law Association submitting the names of the following members of that Association to be extra-ordinary members of the Council :— Mr. W. Guest Lane, Mr. A. Blake, Mr. F. Hall, Mr. A. H. Julian, and Mr. W. Thornhill. The ten members nominated were declared duly elected as the ten extra-ordinary members of the Council for the year ending 26th November, 1913. Retiring Members of Council, Letters were read from Sir John Lynch, Mr. Meredith, and Mr. Bland, thanking the Council for the resolution passed at its previous meeting. November 27th. Extra-ordinary Members.
Appeals under Land Purchase Acts, A letter was read from the Honorary Secretary of the Bar Council enclosing a draft of a Petition to the House of Lords seeking a rule under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, permitting an appeal to the House of Lords upon points of law decided by a Judicial Commissioner under Section 24 of the Land Purchase (Ireland) Act, 1903. The matter was referred to a Special Committee to deal with. Civil Bill Decrees. The following resolution was received from the Council of the Cork Chamber of Com merce and Shipping :— " That we, the Council of the Cork " Incorporated Chamber of Commerce and " Shipping, desire to draw attention to the " present unsatisfactory machinery for the " collection of Civil Bill Decrees in Ireland, " and that the Chief Secretary for Ireland " be asked to appoint a Committee to " enquire what steps should be taken to " place this branch of the Executive on a " more satisfactory basis. That copies of " this Resolution be sent to the Chief " Secretary, the Lord Chancellor, and the " Secretary of the Incorporated Law " Society." It was resolved that a reply be sent giving details of the action of the Council in the past in reference to the subject dealt, with'by the resolution, and stating that the Council would support (if again introduced in Parliament) the Under Sheriffs (Ireland) Bill promoted by the Under Sheriffs' Association, the provisions of which had been approved of by the Council in 1905. Workmen's Compensation Acts. A letter was read from the Southern Law Association sending amendments which the Association are desirous of having made in" the rules under the Workmen's Compensation Act. The matter was referred to the County Courts Committee. Local Bankruptcy Courts, The proposed amendments to the Local Bankruptcy Court rules, prepared by the
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