The Gazette 1912-13

We hold an Immense Stock of Deed Boxes, in all sizes and qualities, Special sizes made and lettered to order on Shortest Notice.

Deed Boxes. Japanned black and polished inside and outside, made of best tinned steel, and fitted with 4 lever locks. Length Width Depth Price i.: x ly,, x 7 ins. ll/- 14 x 10 x 10 ,, 13/6 Length Width Depth 20 x 14 x 13 ins. 22 X l$Y2 X 14 ,, 24 x 17 x 15 „ 16 x iij^ x ii ,, IS/- 18 x 13 x 12 ,, I7/- Any sl}le or size of box made to order. Price I8/- I9/- 2I/-

The Legal Stand, price complete, £3 iGs. 6d. Containing- 4 best tinned steel boxes, Japanned black and hand-polished fronts ; size of boxes, 20 x 12^ x 12% ; falling fronts with chain. The boxes are arranged as follows : one with 4 compartments, one 3, one 2, and one without. Stand, wrought iron with brass knobs. Above boxes can also be had separately in stronger finish at the following prices:— 4 compartments, 25/- each ; 3 compartments, 24/- each a „ 226 ,, ; without „ 19/- „ HELY'S

Despatch Boxes, black Japanned, polished, brass handles, best quality, fitted with lever locks. Sins., 5/6; loins. 6/6 i 12 ins., 8/-; 14 ins., 9/-; i6ins.,ll/6; 18 ins., 12/S. - The Brief Box, for taking brief paper folded, 6/6 ; With brass handle, 6/6. Le*al


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