The Gazette 1912-13
The Gazet e of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[JULY, 1912
the examination,
their names
2. Further
s. d.
arranged in order of merit:β 1. Henry J. Kenny. 2. Michael Moloney. 3. Cyril F. McCay. 4. Frank F. Maguire. 5. William F. Nally.
(Payable under the heading of Miscellaneous Fees in the last Schedule to the said Order) ... 1 0 3. For every recognizance and certi ficate of appeal and entering appeal with the Judge's Regis trar. (Payable under the last Schedule to the said Order. Should no recognizance be entered into the fee is still pay able on entering the appeal) ... 1 0 4. On every recognizance of appeal, if entered into. (Payable under Part I. of said Order) ... ... 2 6 5. On attending hearing of appeal and entering Order thereon. (Payable under the last Schedule to the sai$ Order) ... ... ... 1 0 6. For preparing a fresh recognizance in cases of appeal when required so to do under Section 50 of the 27 & 28 Vie., c. 99. (Payable under the last Schedule to the said Order) ... ... ... 3 6 NOTE.βThe Fees Nos. 1, 2, and 3 above- mentioned should be paid by the Appellant, and No. 5 by the party who is successful on the Appeal, and the stamp for the last- mentioned fee should, under Clause 2 of the Treasury Order of the llth March, 1878, be affixed to the entry in the Book of the Clerk of the Crown and Peace in which the Order of the Judge of Assize is recorded. New Solicitors. THE following were admitted during June, 1912 :β Name Served Apprenticeship to Michael Buggy, Kilkenny William Fry, Dublin MichaelS. Bergin,Dublin
6. Edmund J. Alexander. 7. Frederick J. Dempsey. 8. James H. Power. 9. Robert H. Commins. William Caulfield and Edward O'Shaugh- nessy passed the Modified Preliminary Examination for which they had liberty to present themselves. The remaining candidates have been postponed. Sixteen candidates attended: eleven passed ; five were postponed. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION PRIZES, 1911-12 THE Court of Examiners have awarded Silver Medals to John O'Hanrahan and Henry J. Kenny, and a Special Certificate to Herbert C. Scott. AT the Final Examination held upon the 20th, 21st and 22nd days of May, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit:β
1. Francis J. O'Connor, B.A., R.U.I. 2. Martin J. Crotty, B.A., R.U.I. 3. Albert E. Prentice. 4. Samuel Cunningham. 5. John J. Smith. 6. Samuel G. Rutherford. 7. George Martin. 8. Hubert P. Howley. 9. John L. R. Hastings. 10. James W. McFadden, B.A., R.U.I. 11. Pierse J. Cox. 12. Philip G. Fry, B.A., T.C.D. 13. Samuel Tarrant. 14. John F. Smyth. 15. James R. Lynn. 16. Francis J. Home, B.A., T.C.D. 17. Daniel Kepple. 18. Norman L. Holland ~\
Crotty, Martin Joseph ... Fry, Philip Golding Howley, Hubert P. Maguire, Frank P. J. ... McFadden, James Weir Smyth, John Francis White, William J.
Henry Murphy, Clones King Houston, Omagh A. N. Sheridan and John Mackay, Dundalk Charles E. Murphy, Cootehill
Results of Examinations. AT the Preliminary Examination, held upon 13th and 14th of May, the following passed
Francis P. J. Maguire, B.A., ( equal Q. U. Belfast )
20. James Herron,
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