The Gazette 1912-13
[APRIL, 1913
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
tion, should be sent to the Under-Secretary for Ireland, with the request that they may be submitted to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant with a view to an Order in Council being made giving effect to them. There has been no revision of the Local Court Rules since the promulgation of the present Supreme Court Rules of 1905, and the amendments now suggested are for the purpose of altering some of the Local Court Rules in order to assimilate them to the corresponding Supreme Court Rules. Certificate. An application from a Solicitor for renewal of his Certificate was considered and was granted. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— April 16th and 30th. May 14th. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during March :— Land Acts, 5th. Court and Offices, 7th. Court of Examiners, 10th. Gazette, 14th. Costs, 27th. Obituary. MR. HENRY S. NOBLETT, Solicitor and Notary Public, Cork, died upon the llth March, 1913, at his residence Ashton Place, Cork. Mr. Noblett, who served his apprentice ship with his father, the late Mr. Henry Noblett, 74 South Mall, Cork, was admitted in Easter Term, 1855, and practised at 25 South Mall, Cork. New Members. THE following, joined the Society during March :— Dolan, Matthew R. B., 18 Bachelor's Walk, Dublin. Fullerton, Thomas J., 43 Lr. Sackville Street, Dublin.
Mr. Brady been accepted by the Board of Trade, and has been inserted in the Bill as introduced this Session. The Clause read as follows in the Bill of last Session :— " 9. For paragraph (d) of Sub-section (1) of Section six of the principal Act (which relates to the conditions on which a creditor may present a bankruptcy petition), the following paragraph shall be substituted :— (d) The debtor is domiciled in England, or within a year before the date of the pre sentation of the petition has ordinarily resided, or had a dwelling-house or place of business in England, or has carried on business in England, personally or by means of an agent or manager, or is or within the said period has been a member of a firm or partnership of persons which has carried on business in England by means of a partner or partners, or an agent or manager.'' The Clause in the Bill of this Session reads as follows :— " 9. For paragraph (d) of Sub-section (1) of Section six of the principal Act (which relates to the conditions on which a creditor may present a bankruptcy petition), the following paragraph shall be substituted :- - (d) The debtor is domiciled in England, or within a year before the date of the pre sentation of the petition has ordinarily resided, or had a dwelling-house or place of business in England, or (except in the case of a person domiciled in Scotland or Ireland or a firm or partnership having its principal place of business in Scotland or Ireland) has carried on business in England, personally or by means of an agent or manager, or (except as aforesaid) is or within the said period has been a member of a firm or partner ship of persons which has carried on business in England by means of a partner or partners, or an agent or manager." Local Bankruptcy Court Rules. It was resolved that certain amendments to the existing Local Bankruptcy Court Rules which have been prepared by the Council, on the suggestion of the Southern Law Associa
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