The Gazette 1910-11
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
QUNE, 1910
matter, and they had come to the conclusion, and so reported, that it is not desirable to force any member of the profession to become a member of the Society. They also thought it would not do for them at all to give any sanction to what might be considered to be an approval of the certificate duty. They had from time to time protested against the imposition of this certificate duty, as they considered it to be a most unjust and in equitable charge upon the profession. There fore, the Council could not do anything that would in any way appear to give assent to the duty, leaving out of consideration the question whether the Treasury would consent to the allocation in the manner suggested. The Council, under these circumstances, could not report in favour of the proposal. MR. BEATER asked if the Council had ever taken any energetic independent action to try to have the certificate duty taken off. The PRESIDENT said they had repeatedly taken action, and had had an interview with a Chancellor of the Exchequer, but without any result up to the present. The proceedings'then terminated. ith and 18th May. Finance JBct (1909-10) 1910. IT was resolved that the circulars issued to the profession by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue relative to the new duties, imposed by the Finance Act be referred to the Costs Committee to report upon. Conveyancing Bill. Clause 13 of the Conveyancing Bill, at present before the House of Commons, was discussed. Under this clause it is proposed that contracts by a purchaser or lessee re stricting his choice of a Solicitor shall, sub ject to certain exceptions, be unenforceable. The Bill was referred to the Parliamentary Committee. University College, Cork. A report from the Court of Examiners, expressing approval of the proposed syllabus for the law. courses in University College, Meetings of the Council.
the Southern Law
Association, was adopted. Land Commission Stamps.
It was resolved to request the Commis sioners of Inland Revenue to make provision for the sale of Land Commission Stamps in the Land Commission Buildings, Upper Merrion Street. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— June 1st, 15th and 29th. July 13th and 27th. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during May :— Gazette, 4th. Costs, 10th. Parliamentary, 26th. Costs, 27th. " Court of Examiners, 30th. May :— Bell, E. St. Clair, 20 Molesworth Street, Dublin. Campbell, Joseph, 16 Donegall Square, South, Belfast. Connolly, Martin J., Tullow. Fisher, Alexander, Newry. Gowan, Thomas J., 3 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin. Higgins, Alexander, 67 Mid. Abbey Street, Dublin. McCarroll, Hugh, Wicklow. McSpadden, Wm. George, Rathfriland. Proctor, James C. B., Limavady. Thompson, Henry E., 1 College Street. Dublin. New Members. THE following joined the Society during
Membership of the Society.
The following amended Bye-laws were adopted by the May Half-Yearly General Meeting of the Society :— 3. The annual subscriptions to the Society
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