The Gazette 1910-11
[FEBRUARY, 1911.
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Sooiety of Ireland.
Money Lenders Act. A letter was read from a member asking whether the Council entertain any objection to a Solicitor registering himself as a Money Lender, and was adjourned for consideration. County Courts Bill. A report from the County Courts Com mittee was submitted, giving details of further amendments proposed to be made in the County Courts Bill, and recommending the Council to ask the concurrence of the Bar Council in the proposal to insert an addi tional clause, providing for the bringing, in the County Court, of actions for slander, libel, breach of promise of marriage, and mm. con., limited to £50 damages, none of which actions can, under the existing law, be originated in the Count}' Court. The report was adopted, and it was resolved that the suggested amendments be in serted, and that the suggested new clause be sent to the Bar Council with a request that they would pass a resolution in favour of its insertion in the Bill. It was further resolved that the Bill be introduced in the approaching Session of Parliament. Examinations. A report of the Court of Examiners giving the results of the January Preliminary and Final Examinations was adopted. The results appear in this GAZETTE. Certificates. Affidavits in support of applications by three Solicitors for orders permitting them to renew their annual certificates were sub mitted, and the three applications were granted. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— February 8th and 22nd. March 8th and 22nd. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during January :— Costs, 9th. Gazette, 16th.
County Courts, 18th. Court of Examiners, 23rd. House, Library and Finance, 30th. New Members.
the Society during
January, 1911 :— Gordon, Herbert C., Enniskillen.
Lendrum, Chas. H., 26 South Mall, Cork. McGrane, J. J., 79 Dame Street, Dublin. O'Brien, Thos. F., 13 Abbey Street, Clonmel. O'Grady, Wm. M., 5 St. Andrew Street, Dublin. Sutton, Wm. H., 9 Bachelors' Walk, Dublin. Obituary. MR. SAMUEL CROZIER McCoRiMiCK, Solicitor, died upon the llth January, 1911, at his residence, Carhoo Mhor, Carrowmore, Ballina, Co. Mayo. Mr. McCormick, who served his apprentice ship with the late Mr. Theodore Cronhelm, 18 Dame Street, Dublin, was admitted in Michaelmas Term, 1854, and practised formerly at 7 Bachelor's Walk, and latterly at 10 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin. MR. WILLIAM BOYLE, Solicitor, died upon the 21st January, 1911, at Ballymoney. Mr. Boyle, who served his apprenticeship with Mr. John Boyle, Jun., Ballymoney, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1896, and practised formerly at Portadown and latterly at Cootehill. Notary Public. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following to be a Notary Public :— Herbert C. Gordon, Solicitor, Enniskillen. Commissioners to Administer Oaths THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the following to be Commissioners to administer Oaths :— Michael Cavanagh, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Johnstown, County Kilkenny. Ernest A. G. Ellis, Justice of the Peace, . Miltownmalbay, County Clare. Henry J. S. Fullerton, Solicitor, 30 South Frederick Street, Dublin.
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