The Gazette 1910-11

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.




stamps mentioned in Section 4 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, it must have been already executed by the transferor or lessor. The matter was referred to the Costs Com mittee. Upon the recommendation of the Costs Committee the Council passed a resolution dealing with the remuneration in respect of the work in connection with the obtaining of one of the stamps mentioned in Section 4 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910. The resolution appears in this GAZETTE. Wood Pavement outside Courts. A letter in replywas read from the Secretary of the Paving Committee of the Corporation of Dublin stating that the estimated cost of wood paving round the Four Courts and Police Courts would be £3,000, and the Paving Committee stated their regret it was not possible for them to charge this sum on the rates. Labourers Acts. The Secretary reported that at the Donegal Assizes the appeal by the defendants in the case of Benar and Gallagher v. Stranorlar District Council, in which appeal the respon dents (plaintiffs) had assistance from the Society, the appeal had been dismissed, and the decree in favour of plaintiffs for two guineas costs for showing title was con firmed, the Labourers (Ireland) Order, 1910, being held to be not retrospective in its effect. A report of this decision will be found in this GAZETTE. Land Commission. On the suggestion of a member it was re solved to again request the Land Commission to have a telephone supplied at 18 Nassau Street, for use in connection with the Land Commission offices there. Northern Law Society. The Draft Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, for the purpose of incorporating the Northern Law Society, were submitted, and were referred to the Parliamentary Committee.

Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held the following dates :—


April 21st (Friday). May 3rd and 17th.

Committee Meetings. THE following Committee meetings were held during March :— Costs, 1st, 15th, and 31st. Parliamentary, 3rd and 28th. Court of Examiners, 6th. Gazette, 10th.

New Members.




the Society during

March, 1911 :— Doyle, John T., 12 Lr. Ormond Quay, Dublin. Kerley, Patrick J., Dundalk. McCormack, Patrick F., Strokestown. Roper, Henry C., 51 Merrion Square. Dublin. Legal Appointments. MR. GEORGE J. BALL, Solicitor, Assistant Solicitor to the Chief Crown Solicitor, Dublin Castle, has been appointed by the Army Council to be War Department Property Agent and Adviser in Ireland, and is attached to the Head Quarter Staff at Island Bridge Barracks, Dublin, where he has assumed his new duties. M. JOHN C. ROBERTSON, Solicitor, of Castle- bar, has been appointed an Assistant Solici tor in the office of the Chief Crown Solicitor, Dublin Castle. Notaries Public, THE Lord Chancellor has appointed following to be Notaries Public :— John Corr, Solicitor, Coalisland. George Wheeler, Solicitor, Omagh, the

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