The Gazette 1908-9

JAN., 1909]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


In all these cases the understanding in the minds of the parties, and the basis on which negotiations were carried on, was that a Bonus of 12 per cent, would be payable on the purchase-money. As, however, in many of these cases no final "Agreement" was entered into on or prior to the 24th November, 1908, doubts have arisen as to whether such vendors may only be entitled to the revised percentage. The Council accordingly submit that, with a view to removing the foregoing difficulties and doubts, provision should immediately be made by Treasury Notice in the Gazette or otherwise, that the percentage, payable under section 48 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, shall be calculated at the rate of 12 per cent, on the amount of the purchase-money advanced under the Land Purchase Act in respect of: — (a) Estates in respect of which any steps were taken by the Estates Commissioners under the Evicted Tenants Act, 1907, on or prior to 24th November, 1908. (V) Estates in respect of which Originating Requests were lodged with the Land Com mission, or in respect of which Requests under section 7 were issued on, or prior to, the 24th day of November, 1908. (f) Estates in respect of which the Estates Commissioners have made preliminary in spections, and have estimated prices at which they are prepared to purchase such Estates. (d) Estates in respect of which some, but not all, of the Purchase Agreements were lodged on, or prior to, 24th November, 1908. (


New Solicitor.


ADMISSION DUKING DECKMBER, 1908. Name. Watson, ArthurB., Served apprenticeship to Robert Hayes, Dublin.

Irish Land Act, 1903. COPIES of the following Memorandum by the Council were upon the i4th December, 1908, sent to the Chief Secretary for Ireland, the Irish Law Officers, Mr. Justice Wylie, the Estates Commissioners, and Mr. T. W. Russell, M.P. INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND. Memorandum as to percentage payable under the Land Act, \ 903, on pending sales. THIS Council have had under consideration the Irish Land Bill of 1908, but postponed to a later date the making- of any suggestions with a view to facilitating purchase pro ceedings in accordance with the intentions of the Bill. As, however, it now seems clear that no new legislation can be expected for some time, the Council submit it is of the highest importance that steps should be taken at once by the Government to enable vendors and purchasers to know definitely what percentage by way of bonus will be paid on the purchase-money of estates proceedings for sale of which were initiated on or prior to the 24th November, 1908, being the date of the Dublin Gazette containing notice of the Treasury Regulations. This is especially necessary in the case of:— (

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