The Gazette 1908-9
[JUNE, 1908
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
giving my reason why I should vote against the proposition of Mr. Fry. THE PRESIDENT put the motion : " That the question be now put," and declared it carried, and then put the resolution moved by Mr. Fry, and declared it passed unanimously. MR. JAMES BRADY: I said "no." . THE PRESIDENT : But you are only one " no," Mr. Brady. MR. JAMES BRADY : Therefore it is not unanimous. THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think you ought to withdraw your opposition. MR. JAMES BRADY : I think it is a great pity notice was not given of that intended motion. If notice had been given, there would have been a larger number of dissentients present. Mr. Fry's resolution was declared passed, and the proceedings terminated. Meeting of the Council. THE Council met on Wednesday, the 13th May, 1908. The President, Mr. Lyster, in the Chair, and twenty-four other members were present. Post Office Consolidation Bill. This Bill, introduced in the House of Lords by Lord Granard upon behalf of the Government, was referred to the Parliamentary Committee for consideration, with power to take such action in reference thereto as the Committee might think fit. Bankruptcy Costs. The question of allowance of costs of ad– journments in Bankruptcy and Arrangement matters was referred to the Special Committee who had previously considered the matter, for further consideration. Mr. W. H. Dunne, Ex-President. A letter was read from Mr. William H. Dunne, Ex-President, conveying his resigna– tion of membership to the Council. It was unanimously resolved that Mr. Dunne be requested to reconsider his resignation. British Association. A letter was read from the Local Hon. Secretaries, Reception Committee of the British Association meeting, to take place next September in Dublin, asking the Council to nominate a member as a Representative on the Committee. It was decided to send
the name of the President as Representative of the Society. Irish Universities Bill. A letter was read from the Private Secretary of the Chief Secretary, acknowledging the receipt of Resolution of the Council, passed at its previous meeting, relative to representa– tion of the profession upon the Senates of the Universities proposed to be established under the Bill. It was resolved to submit to the General Meeting of the Society a Resolution upon this matter. Interest on Expenditure by Solicitors. A letter from a member was read, drawing attention to the non-allowance in Ireland of interest on out-of-pocket expenditure made by solicitors upon behalf of clients in legal proceedings. The matter was referred to the Costs Committee for consideration. Certificate duties. Two applications by solicitors for liberty to renew their annual certificates were considered, and orders were made granting the applica– tions. Assignment of Indentures. A memorial from an apprentice of a deceased solicitor, for liberty to have his indentures assigned by the representatives of his late master to another solicitor, was submitted and sanctioned. Costs Committee Report. A report from the Costs Committee upon query submitted for decision was considered, and the report was adopted. The query and the answer submitted by the Committee are as follows : Query.— " Is a solicitor for a grantor in cases under the Renewable Leasehold Con– version Act, in ordinary cases, entitled to charge costs as against the grantee, over and above the approval fee, and fee for having grant executed (£1 is.') ? " Answer.—" The Committee is of opinion that the solicitor for the grantor is not entitled to be paid by the grantee costs of notices served upon the grantee requiring him to take out grants and pay fines, nor the costs of perusing abstract of grantee's title, but that he is entitled to be paid by the grantee costs of, and incidental to, the approval of the grant, and of getting same executed by his client, drawn in detail under the old system as altered by Schedule II. of the Solicitors' Remuneration Act Order,"
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