The Gazette 1908-9
FEB., 1909]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
reference to similar actions by other solicitors the Council would deal with the matter. Land Act. Letters of the iqth and 22nd January in reply from the Chief Secretary for Ireland relative to payment of the bonus under the Land Act were submitted ; and a draft reply prepared by the Land Act Committee was approved of and directed to be sent. Certificates. Applications by seven solicitors for certi ficates under section 47 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, were considered. Six ap plications were granted, and one was refused. Costs Committee. A report from the Costs Committee was sub mitted and adopted, and it was referred to the Committee to further consider the question of taxation by arbitrators of costs under the Labourers (Ireland) Act, and also the matter of the taxation of owners' costs, having regard to the decision in the case of The King (Mow- bray and Slourlon) v. The Local Government Board. Court of Examiners. A report from the Court of Examiners upon an application by a law clerk under section 16 was considered, and the application was granted. Investment of Funds in Court. It was referred to the Land Act Committee to consider and report whether it was desirable that application should be made to the Rule- making authority under the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act, to make a rule pro viding that funds standing to the credit of the Accountant-General, and not otherwise ex pressly directed to be invested, be invested in Irish Land Stock, instead of, as at present, in Consols. Certificate Duty. The following resolution was adopted, and it was directed, that a copy of same should be sent to the Chancellor of the Exchequer :— RESOLVED—" That the Council of the In- " corporated Law Society of Ireland hereby " respectfully submit to His Majesty's Govern- " ment that during the forthcoming Session of " Parliament the financial proposals of His " Majesty's Government should contain a pro- " vision whereby the annual duties payable by "solicitors in Ireland under the provisions of
" the Stamp Act, 1891, would from and after "the 5th day of January, 1910, be abolished " or substantially reduced." The Council then adjourned. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— February roth and 24th. March roth and 24th. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during January:— Gazette,. 18th. Land Act, igth, 22nd, and 25th. Costs, 2oth. New Members. THE following have joined the Society during January, 1909:— Carrigan, John P., Thurles. Corr, John, Coalisland. Results of Society's Examinations. AT the Preliminary Examination of candidates seeking to be bound as apprentices to solici tors, held upon the 4th and 5th days of January, the following passed the Examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit : — 1. James S. Boal. 2. Patrick R. Boyd. . 3. Thomas S. Faloon. 4. John Meagher. William P. Triston and William J. White passed the modified Preliminary Examination for which they had liberty to present them selves. Eight candidates attended ; six passed; two were postponed. At the Final Examination of apprentices seeking admission as solicitors, held upon the 6th and yth January, the following passed the Crawford, Samuel H., Dublin. Donnelly, Alexander E., Omagh. Healy, Enda B-, Dublin. Webb, Samuel C., Kilkenny. Whitaker, H. T., Belfast.
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